What are FB king accounts and how to work with them

What are FB king accounts and how to work with them

King-account: the term and its usefulness

A parent Facebook account, known as a King account, is a key element in webmasters’ marketing strategies. It is used to link multiple advertising accounts to the main profile. What distinguishes a King-account is its role, not its type, and it is given to the most trusted profiles to manage multiple lesser quality accounts.

The benefits of this approach are clear:

  • Extending the King-account trust to all linked accounts, which saves time and allows you to run ads even from non-idealized accounts.
  • Centralized control and management of all campaigns from the King account.
  • Reduced risk of blocking, as the webmaster rarely visits “child” accounts once they are linked.

As of today, in 2024, King accounts have become the standard for most webmasters working with Facebook. Alternative methods are proving less effective, including promotion through single accounts.

King accounts can be purchased or prepared on your own. Of the purchased accounts, leased profiles of real users are the most recommended. After purchase, it is important to give the King account time to get used to the new environment, usually 1-2 days is enough.

How to prepare a King account by yourself?

In order to use an account as a King, you need to perform quality pharming. The principles of pharming depend entirely on Facebook’s policy, so there is no universal approach to pharming.

For example, when faced with bulk checks, the age of the account becomes important to webmasters. With massive Risk Payment, it’s better to switch to quality consumables for a single GEO.

Such methods are selected by trial and error, as FB algorithms are constantly changing. During periods of relative calm when farming King accounts, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Pharming period – at least 30 days.
  • Two-factor authentication – activated. You can use a phone number, Authenticator extension for Chrome or online services.
  • The presence of advertising on the account – desirable. Showing ads on an account that has been defarmed increases its credibility.
  • Proxies – mobile, with no negative history. Mobile proxies have a longer lifetime compared to static ones.

Otherwise, preparing a King account is no different than normal farming. Accumulate cookies, complete your profile and be socially active to increase the credibility of your account.

How do I connect other accounts to King?

The minimum requirements for “child” accounts allow you to use even new profiles. Before starting the process, make sure the accounts have no restrictions or negative history.

The process of linking accounts is as follows:

  1. Open King and “child” accounts in an anti-deact browser.
  2. Add the “child” accounts as friends of King. If FB forbids sending requests from self-referrals, you can send an invitation from King’s account.
  3. Go to the Ads Manager of the “child” account and open settings by clicking on the gear in the left menu.What are FB king accounts and how to work with them
  4. Click «Add People».What are FB king accounts and how to work with them
  5. In the window that opens, select the “Ad Account Admin” role and specify the King account you added as a friend.What are FB king accounts and how to work with them
  6. Click «Confirm».What are FB king accounts and how to work with them

At this point, you can close the “child” profile since it is already linked. Allow the account to “settle” for 2-3 days after linking, then manage your ads from your King account. Use the panel in the upper left corner to switch between accounts.

Alternative methods of linking exist, such as using Business Manager.

Increasing the number of profiles linked to a King account increases the risk of blocking. The quality of farming and the state of the accounts affect the success of binding.

During periods of low activity, it is recommended to bind 2-4 accounts daily. Mass binding of accounts at the same time is not recommended, as it may lead to a request for documents.


Using a strategy with King accounts and self-tags simplifies the Facebook experience, saves time on pharma and allows you to scale more efficiently. We hope this information helps with your promotion!

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