11 march 2025
How is it profitable to pay for neural networks?
At the beginning of 2025, in terms of number of active users, the most popular products in the market are (in alphabetical order): ChatGPT, Copilot, DALLE 3, Exactly.ai, Gemini, Kandinsky, LogoAI, Loudly, MidJourney, NeuralNude, Stable Diffusion. Probably you, too, who are reading this article, are already using one or more of them. When paying for neural networks, users face a number of challenges: Restrictions for bank cards Most neural network platforms accept standard bank cards (Visa, MasterCard). However, when using personal cards, sometimes there may be restrictions related to currency transactions or online payments. Also, the restriction of Russian cards (MIR, issued before 2022 Visa and MasterCard) creates additional difficulties. They are not accepted for payment by international online services. It is possible, of course, to go to Belarus or Kazakhstan and there to issue a foreign bank card, but...