Mascara at TikTok: a quick 325% ROI on merchandising

  • Vertical: Product
  • Affiliate program: Strawberrynet [IL]
  • Traffic source: TikTok
  • Geo: Ireland
  • Upload date: 01.09.22–30.09.22
  • Budget: 2,300$
  • Received: 9,790$
  • Profit: 7,490$
  • ROI: 325%

About mascara we know that its shelf life is – 4 to 6 months, hence this product needs to be constantly renewed, so it is a popular product. Especially relevant offers associated with holidays, when bright or original makeup is appropriate, for example Halloween, New Year’s Eve and others.
The choice of traffic source – is not accidental, because here are mostly young people (active users of cosmetics), in addition, the platform puts a lot of lifehacks and tutorials on the use of the product of the offender.

At the same time, there is a lot of information and tutorials on the use of the product.

GEO selection: trend analysis

The GEO was selected after checking the simplest word on the chosen topic in Google Trends. As it turns out, the most searched for mascara is Ireland. In addition, similar keyword phrases were picked up in Google Trends for use in promotion. The language for the RK – English, the TikTok platform does not require detailed descriptions, so online translators will be sufficient for translation.

Creo: “show me how it should”

When developing creatives, reliance is placed on tutorials and mistakes when applying the product of the offeer.

In addition, users are usually interested in a variety of ratings-collections, for example “top 5 best mascaras of the season” or simply “best mascara”.

A few videos on the topic from TikTok were taken and remade as the basis for the creo, and some additional videos from VideoHive were purchased.

A track from Fiverr was selected for the soundtrack to make the sound as realistic as possible and match the image.

According to observations from the DIGITAL 2022 program, more than half of users access social media through mobile devices. That’s why it was decided to edit the creatives immediately with InShot. To create the creos, InShot Pro was purchased, with a monthly fee of $3.99, as the paid app’s functionality is much broader than the free version.

Promotion in TikTok

Perhaps the most crucial moment in an advertising campaign – promoting the product. This process requires not only creativity, but also several specific inputs such as online audience preferences, platform algorithms and relevant trends.

A preliminary mini-research of these points gives you the opportunity to create an attractive profile and get into the TikTok trend, accordingly increasing the number of subscribers-potential customers.

Each social network has its own algorithms that determine the top accounts, so it’s important to consider “the rules of the game” beforehand.

TikTok’s youth audience prefers entertaining videos, so this was the format chosen for the creo.

Younger audience of TikTok prefers entertaining videos, so this format was chosen to create the creo.

TikTok’s youth audience prefers entertaining videos.

An equally important aspect of the creo was the format chosen.

Music is no less important for perception, a well chosen audio track can be decisive for defining a video as a top video. So, we chose a popular track for the commercial.

So, we chose a popular track.

Since there was not much time to launch the advertising campaign, the idea of creating a tutorial in the form of a slideshow on the topic “How to create a bright Halloween make-up with just mascara” remained unrealized.
Such an original approach would definitely catch the attention of users.

So, several TikTok accounts were created, from which top videos were viewed, liked and commented on with the help of an antidetect browser.
It is worth remembering the limits on actions in TikTok and regularly monitor the platform changes.
Video ads with affiliate links were chosen for promotion, as a landing page does not work well on a narrowly themed offerer.

The target audience of the product – women and girls who make a decision to buy, more often spontaneously, under the influence of emotions. A long path, with a redirect to the landing page, can chill the desire to get the product – the customer will leave without reaching the landing page.

Result: $7,490 profit for a month of promotion

Perhaps the most crucial part of an advertising campaign – promotion. This process requires not only creativity, but also several specific inputs such as online audience preferences, platform algorithms and relevant trends.
A preliminary mini-research of these points gives you the opportunity to create an attractive profile and get into the TikTok trend, respectively increase the number of subscribers-potential customers.

Сергій Кравченко

Lead Panda is a highly skilled internet marketing and SEO expert with years of experience. With a successful track record in creating and implementing digital advertising strategies for various businesses, we are always eager to share our knowledge and best practices with other industry professionals by providing valuable information and advice on our website.
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