Landing page promotion: basic steps

Landing page promotion: basic steps

Landing page promotion: the main steps

The main goal of landing page promotion is to generate sales. You need to focus on this aspect, not just on increasing traffic from search engines. It is important to carefully prepare the concept: create compelling content, think over the functionality, and express the design with the future promotion of the landing page in mind. When all the details are finalized, you can start promoting your landing page. 

After all, what’s the point of driving traffic to a page that leaves much to be desired?

Many online promotion specialists express doubts about the need to optimize single-page websites. Landing pages do not have an internal link structure, there is no possibility to place large text optimized for search queries. The content often remains unchanged, and the main indicators of audience behavior are far from ideal for landing page promotion.

Don’t immediately deny the importance of landing page promotion and close this topic. Let’s take a closer look at it. Although most landing pages rely on contextual advertising, SEO can also contribute. However, this is only possible under certain conditions:

  • Your landing page is focused on the long term. If your project is designed for a long time, then the use of SEO is quite justified.
  • There are many search queries for your product or service. In this case, it also makes sense to turn to SEO. However, if interest in your product is low, then there is no point in wasting time on SEO.
  • You plan to promote your landing page for non-competitive queries. It is important to distinguish low competition from a complete lack of requests. Many people successfully promote their resources for little-used keywords, which makes it easier to achieve top positions.
  • You have the funds to use additional online marketing tools, such as branded traffic acquisition, crowd marketing, social media marketing, and others.

If your one-page website is not related to seasonal offers, and the main keywords are in Keyword Planner and are not overloaded with information projects or large online stores, then landing page promotion can be very effective. It may attract new free traffic to your website.

Advantages and disadvantages of landing page promotion

Landing page promotion: basic steps

Let’s first understand whether it is worth optimizing 

Landing Page. Let’s take a look at the advantages of this approach:

  • Elimination of duplicates. You don’t have to worry about your landing page suffering from duplicate pages, as is often the case with online stores. This is the main problem that complicates the ranking process. Duplicates are completely excluded on the landing page.
  • It is easy to identify and fix broken links. The Landing Page concept implies a minimum or complete absence of links within the resource. This means that pages with a 404 error will not be indexed.
  • Concentration of weight on the main page. You do not need to set up internal linking. This means that all the weight falls on the main page, which makes it more important for search engines.

Let’s take a look at the disadvantages that should be taken into account when promoting landing pages:

  • Limited use of keywords. You can effectively use only a limited number of high-frequency and low-frequency queries on one page. It is ideal if there are no more than 20 of them, otherwise the risk of overoptimization increases.
  • Low authority. It is often difficult for landing pages to gain a sufficient number of external links, which affects their weight in search engines. In such cases, crowdsourcing can come to the rescue.
  • Limited geographical orientation. In most cases, landing pages are focused on a specific region, which means that they can attract less potential traffic due to their local focus.

Tips for landing page optimization

Formation of the semantic core (SC)

Landing page promotion: basic steps

The choice of page semantics determines which queries will bring visitors to your site. All keywords placed on the landing page should be related to one group of user queries. This affects the engagement of visitors and their willingness to make a purchase.

Attempting to cover several different groups of queries at once may result in your website failing to achieve high rankings in search results, as search engine algorithms may consider some of the page content as unrelated. In addition, it may require an increase in the volume of material, which will negatively affect the user experience.

Content optimization

Landing page promotion: basic steps

A lot depends on the quality of content on a landing page, especially the conversion rate. High-quality selling content helps to increase the number of sales or inquiries on the landing page. A potential client must read the page to the end, so you should not overload it with unnecessary text.

You should also pay attention to content optimization. It is necessary to naturally include the collected key phrases that contribute to the promotion. A common mistake at this stage is to try to insert the main keyword into the offer. This should not be done. The offer is a key element of the landing page. It represents the essence of the commercial offer, which should be disclosed from the very beginning. Create a strong offer by avoiding unnecessary keyword occurrences.

Design of meta tags

Landing page promotion: basic steps

Pay attention to the title and description meta tags. On large sites, meta tags are usually generated automatically from a template, as it is a time-consuming process to write them manually for many pages. However, a Landing Page has only one page, so writing a title and description does not take much time, and meta tags can become your competitive advantage in ranking.

The title is the title of the page that the user sees in the browser tab. It helps search engines to more accurately determine the topic of the page and should contain the main keyword query from the group for which your page is optimized.

Technical audit

Landing page promotion: basic steps

At this stage, it is important to identify shortcomings and errors that can reduce the effectiveness of the Landing Page. Technical audit tasks include:

  • Checking the page loading speed and developing a plan to increase its speed.
  • Analyzing HTML and CSS for possible errors.
  • Identification of problems that have arisen during the layout process.
  • Making sure that the page is displayed correctly on mobile devices.
  • Analysis of the presence and correct use of ALT and TITLE attributes in images.
  • Checking the presence of sanctions from search engines.
  • Analysis of the correctness of the transition to a secure protocol.
  • Assessment of the quality of micro-markup implementation.

These are just a few of the technical optimization tasks that will help eliminate errors that affect conversion and prevent full-fledged promotion in search engines.

Behavioral factors and conversion improvements

Landing page promotion: basic steps

Track time on site metrics and bounce rate. Users should spend more than 1 minute on the landing page. A bounce is a situation when more than 10% of users leave the site in less than 15 seconds.

You need to actively work on increasing conversion. The main task of a one-page website is to guide the user to perform a targeted action: buying a product, ordering a service, filling out a contact form, etc. The more visitors perform this targeted action, the higher the behavioral factors will be.

External optimization of the Landing Page

A key aspect in the development of a one-page website is its external optimization. Placing your content and links on third-party platforms opens up new channels for driving traffic. Thus, visitors to other websites that have links to your page may be interested in the content you offer and follow the link to learn more.

Backlink strategy for a landing page

Different approaches are used to effectively place backlinks:

Crowd marketing includes active participation in forums and blogs, where links are inserted into comments and discussions, creating the appearance of natural user recommendations. This makes such links an effective source of conversions.

Content marketing is used as an independent strategy to increase the visibility of a landing page by publishing articles, reviews, and press releases on various platforms and media.

Buying links used to be a common practice to improve website rankings, but over time, search engines have become better at recognizing and evaluating artificial link profiles, which makes this practice risky due to the possibility of penalties.

When choosing platforms for link placement, it is important to pay attention to the thematic relevance and authority of the resource. Backlinks from sites that are closely related to your topic and have high traffic will be much more effective than links from less popular sites with low traffic.


1. What is landing page promotion and why is it important?

Landing page promotion is a set of measures aimed at increasing the visibility and attractiveness of a one-page website for the target audience. This is important for attracting potential customers, increasing conversions, and achieving business goals such as sales, subscriptions, or filling out feedback forms.

2. What are the main methods of landing page promotion?

The main methods include SEO optimization (internal and external), contextual advertising (for example, Google AdWords), social media, and email marketing. Each method has its peculiarities and can be effective in different situations.

3 Is it possible to promote a landing page without large investments?

Yes, you can use low-cost or free methods, such as SEO optimization, creation of high-quality content, social media activity, and link exchange with partners. However, it is worth remembering that the result may take more time compared to paid methods.

4. How to measure the effectiveness of landing page promotion?

Efficiency can be measured using analytical tools such as Google Analytics. Important metrics include the number of visits, traffic sources, user behavior on the site, conversion, and goal achievement (for example, the number of applications or purchases).

5. How often should I update the content on the landing page?

Regular content updates are not only useful for SEO but also help to maintain the interest of the target audience. The frequency of updates depends on the specifics of the niche and the goals of the promotion, but in general, it is recommended to update the information at least once a month or more often if necessary to keep the information up-to-date.

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