How to make money on mobile proxies

How to make money on mobile proxies

Mobile proxies are a unique opportunity not only to bypass blocking and anonymization but also to create a so-called “proxy farm” to earn money. By setting up your servers and offering connection services to others, you can develop a lucrative business. In our review, we will explore how to effectively organize a proxy farm to make money and what financial results can be expected from such activities.

What are mobile proxies?

How to make money on mobile proxies

A proxy acts as an intermediary between the end user and the web page being accessed. Mobile proxies are real IP addresses issued by mobile Internet service providers to their subscribers. This means that any requests to the Internet made by a user pass through the mobile operator’s network under their unique IP. As a result, websites see these requests as coming from standard users.

What is a mobile proxy farm?

How to make money on mobile proxies

A mobile proxy farm is a network of mobile devices used in traffic arbitrage to perform traffic processing and management operations.

This farm consists of multiple devices, such as smartphones or tablets, which are used to create unique IP addresses, mimicking the activity of real users on the Internet.

The purpose of mobile proxy farms includes:

  • Creating unique IP addresses: each device on the network has an individual IP, allowing anonymous connection to the network.
  • Hiding and changing IP addresses: a proxy farm provides the ability to hide the true IP or change it to bypass blocking and restrictions on various resources and services.
  • Replication of real users’ actions: IP addresses are used to mimic user behavior such as visiting websites, clicking on links, and viewing content, which helps to create a natural online activity.

The use of mobile proxy farms in traffic arbitrage is especially important for bypassing geographic and other types of blocking, avoiding multiple account restrictions, and for more flexible and efficient traffic distribution.

The creation of proxy farms utilizes not only smartphones but also modems, which expands the possibilities for generating IP addresses. It is worth noting that deploying one’s proxy farm is not difficult and can be mastered even by those who have minimal Internet experience. Moreover, the importance and relevance of such farms do not diminish over time, as the sphere of traffic arbitrage continues to develop, increasing the demand for new and high-quality proxy solutions.

How much you can earn from mobile proxies

How to make money on mobile proxies

In all businesses, income is directly related to sales volume. The earning potential of a proxy farm is limited by only a few factors:

  • The number of devices you rent out,
  • the cost of your cell phone carrier’s tariffs,
  • the price of electricity in your area,
  • the type of device through which proxies are sold.

Mobile proxies can be sold through two main types of devices: smartphones or USB modems.

As an example, let us consider the sale of proxies through a smartphone, without taking into account the cost of electricity due to its significant differences by country. We will estimate the cost of mobile operator services at $5 per month. Let’s assume that you already have a cell phone and there are no additional expenses for its purchase. The price of one private mobile proxy is $50 per month, which allows you to earn $45 from one phone every month. Working with 10 devices, your monthly income can reach 450 dollars.

The calculation is as follows: 10 x $50 – 10 x $5 = $450. In this case, you will need to first cover the cost of purchasing cell phones. If the cost of one phone is 200 dollars, you will pay 2000 dollars for 10 devices. The investment will be recouped in about 5 months, after which the net profit will begin. Calculation of payback: $ 200 x 10 / $ 400 = 5 months.

Moving on to the volume of sales, it is important to understand that in any business income is directly related to the number of goods or services sold.

Having comprehended how much you can earn from renting one IP address, it becomes clear that in the European market prices start from $30 per month, in the USA – from $50, and in the CIS countries – from $20 per month. By selling two proxy addresses per day, you can accumulate about 60 addresses per month. Thus, you can earn up to $3,000 monthly in the USA, from $1,800 in Europe, and $1,200 in the CIS.

Eventually, your earnings will increase depending on the number of IP addresses sold, but it is critical to have enough devices to generate these addresses to be successful.

How to start making money from proxy farms

How to make money on mobile proxies

It is possible to start a proxy farm using both USB modems and cell phones. The following components are required to set up the system based on USB modems:

  • Modems: preference should be given to unlocked models, among which Huawei devices are particularly notable.
  • Smartphones: in the case of using phones instead of modems, older models running Android 5.0 or higher will do.
  • SIM cards: choose cards from a variety of carriers that provide a stable connection with speeds up to 100 Mbps.
  • USB hub: start with a 10-port device, and as your business expands, you can invest in hubs with more ports.
  • Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) or physical server: renting one of these options is sufficient. The server must have at least 4 GB of RAM to serve 10 ports.

When creating a proxy farm based on cell phones, similar equipment is used, except replacing modems with smartphones. It is also important to have spare batteries, as they can swell from the constant load.

It is also necessary to obtain a license to provide such services and purchase a billing system. The important steps are creating your website, setting up marketing campaigns, and attracting clients. There is an easier way, though.

You can use the license of an already operating proxy service, offering your technical equipment for rent. In this approach, your income will be somewhat reduced – you will have to give up about 15-25% of your income to the provider. However, it will free you from the need to spend time setting up and running the enterprise. This method also has additional advantages:

  • The search for clients falls on the provider’s shoulders, freeing you from the worries of promotion and advertising.
  • Legalization of your activity becomes easier, as you do not need to apply for licenses yourself – you operate under the wing of your ISP’s license.
  • The technical side of things is simplified: your role is reduced to setting up and maintaining the proxy, and the rest is handled by the provider.
  • You provide yourself with legal protection. In case illegal activities are performed through your proxy server, you are not liable. ISPs have their own rules of use, violation of which leads to the blocking of the user, which minimizes the risks for you as a service provider.

If a user sends spam through a proxy address, their account will be blocked.

Now let’s look at the key aspects needed to ensure a steady income.

How to choose the right devices for a proxy farm

Android smartphones of version 5.0 and above are suitable for selling mobile proxies, they can be selected on any marketplace at a price from 50 to 100 dollars, the higher the price for the phone the more stable work it can provide.

Smartphones can be placed anywhere with a good signal and access to power, as their uninterrupted operation affects revenue.

To automatically change IP addresses by gaining root access, smartphones can be configured to enable airplane mode via an app such as Macrodroid. This will provide users with constantly new IP addresses, increasing anonymity and security.

An alternative is to use USB modems connected to router brands like TP-Link, Mikrotik, and Huawei. Modems start at $50, but USB modems are available on retail sites for $15 per unit. Routers require less space and provide stability, but they should be spaced 7-10 cm apart to avoid overheating.

Despite the advantages, users point out the instability of proxy operation due to DNS errors. The solution is to use an externally powered USB hub to connect multiple modems and configure automatic IP change via DHCP for efficient address allocation.

It is important to consider the risks of electromagnetic radiation from multiple modems, and isolating or shielding them in residential areas is recommended. Detailed instructions on how to configure DHCP are available in your router documentation.

Basic Steps for Selecting a Mobile Carrier for Mobile Proxies

The device should be continuously connected to the power grid for active operation. Choose a reliable operator with quality internet service.

To find the best operator:

  • Study the coverage maps on the operators’ websites to estimate the speed in your area.
  • Experimentally compare the internet speeds of different operators.
  • Check download/upload speeds and ping via Speedtest to evaluate proxy performance.
  • Test at different times to evaluate signal stability.

Use the OpenSignal app to analyze the signal of operators in your location. Choose a tariff with maximum Internet traffic, and check the terms and conditions after the limit is exhausted to avoid slowdowns.

Finding customers

Several strategies are available to attract customers to your mobile proxy farm:

  • Actively participate in forums and communities related to marketing, SEO, and traffic arbitrage. Share your knowledge and information about your product to interest potential clients.
  • Explore marketplaces and platforms to interact with advertisers and arbitrageurs. Sign up and offer your services, chances are some of them will be interested in your proxies.
  • Use social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to find and attract those interested in your proxies. Create an active profile and publish useful content.
  • Send personalized offers via email and messengers to advertisers and arbitrageurs.
  • Organize advertising campaigns targeting the audience potentially interested in using your proxies.
  • Attend professional marketing and advertising events and conferences to network with potential clients and promote your services.

Combine a variety of methods and identify those that work best for your business. It is important to maintain a professional image and offer attractive terms to attract and retain your customer base.

Selling proxies

You can sell proxy servers on your own using a Telegram channel, website, or any other online platform, using advertising strategies to promote them. A simpler way is to place your server on a specialized resource for providing proxies.

In this case, the chosen platform will be responsible for marketing campaigns, attracting clients, and solving their technical issues. Your task will be to ensure the reliable operation of the servers and pay for communication services.

How to earn income from mobile proxies without using phones

How to make money on mobile proxies

Without a smartphone, you can also earn money from proxies by registering in referral programs of providers. Distribute the received link, and for each purchase through it get 5% of the amount. For example, attracting 100 people who spend 20$ on proxies, you will earn 100$:

This income will be passive if users continue to use the services. The referral link can be shared with loved ones or through content creation (video reviews, articles) mentioning the benefits of proxies, and adding the link to the description. Posting the link on social media, such as a cybersecurity blog, will also increase reach and potential earnings.

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