How to create viral content in social networks

How to create viral content in social networks

How to create viral content on social networks that will be actively shared

Viral content is content that spreads “contagiously” quickly on the Internet. This is usually due to users who actively share such content with their followers and friends. Most often, virality is achieved through unusual content presentation, colorful creativity or sincere, trustworthy messages that hook the audience. At first glance, it may seem that nothing is difficult – create a quality post and enjoy likes and reposts. But in practice, it’s not easy to achieve organic virality in social networks. Let’s look at how to create viral content on social networks.

Examples of popular viral content

All kinds of content can go viral, from funny memes to news about high-profile events. Many brands are actively using this trend, releasing and promoting original content on the web.

Another example is cute and funny pictures of animals. Such pictures often become a subject of discussion and a source for creating new memes.

For example, a photo of a funny cat can instantly go viral on social networks and become popular on the Internet for a long time.

The psychology of viral content

As a study by Steve Rayson of Buzzsumo has shown, viral content always evokes strong emotions. People are especially likely to share content that:

  • Interested them
  • Surprised them
  • Touched
  • Inspired
  • Shocked

In other words, the content should evoke a strong emotional reaction so that people want to share it with their friends and followers. Too strong emotions push people to express their opinions and discuss what they’ve seen.

Another important factor is the relevance of the topic. People are more willing to share information on topics that are urgent and of concern to society.

How to create viral content on Instagram

To create truly viral content on Instagram, you need to remember the following:

  • Content should be as relevant and topical as possible or, on the contrary, “eternal”, i.e. not tied to time.
  • Content should be relevant to the interests of the target audience. For example, a quote in a topical blog should necessarily reflect the opinion of subscribers.
  • The post should have an eye-catching headline – with a question, figures, intriguing negative connotation.
  • It is better to make the text of the post as short and concise as possible.
  • And of course, the content should evoke a strong emotional response from the audience.

This approach will help to create posts that will be actively distributed among subscribers and work to promote the account.


How to create viral content that will be actively shared on social networks?

To create popular content, decide on your target audience, use relevant topics and trends, and pay attention to the quality and originality of the material.

What elements should viral memes include?

Viral memes often include humor, current events, or memes that can elicit laughter or empathy from users.

What is the role of visual content when creating viral posts?

Visual content such as pictures, graphics and videos play an important role in attracting attention. Try to make your content colorful and eye-catching.

How do you know if your content is going viral?

Metrics such as number of views, likes, comments and reposts can help determine the popularity of the content. Also keep an eye out for feedback from your audience.

How not to violate social media rules when creating viral content?

Follow the rules and policies of each platform, avoid insults and discrimination, do not violate copyrights and respect the feelings of other users.

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