How to check if the account is a trusted one

How to check if the account is a trusted one

How do I know when a spoofed account is ready to go live? This question often arises for arbitrageurs who are preparing to launch their advertising campaigns. It is important to know when you can safely use an account in Facebook Ads Manager to avoid blocking and set up effective advertising. In this article, we’ll look at how to assess the degree of “readiness” of an account, what indicators to consider, and how proper interaction with the platform can help you get the most out of it.

Next, we will analyze such important aspects as interests, activity outside of Facebook, and ad settings, as well as share useful recommendations for optimizing the feeding process. It’s time to feed your accounts effectively!


Although this is one of the least important panels for data collection, it’s best not to ignore it.

Bot algorithms collect, analyze, and group data into segments to effectively use it for targeting.

Involvement in communities with similar interests, viewing and evaluating content, as well as interacting with it accelerate the filling of this panel. If the process is going well, the farmer is fulfilling his task successfully and moving in the right direction.

If you are actively collecting data, but the interest panel remains empty, it may be a problem with the tools or you should reconsider the strategy. It happens that a category remains empty for a long time due to weak proxies or incorrect anti-detection settings.

How to check if the account is a trusted one

Much depends on the quality of the proxy connection and the accuracy of the anti-detection profile. These factors directly affect the speed of processing and displaying data in the interests section.

The correct monetization of users is important for the platform. However, for this purpose, it is necessary to take into account not only their interests but also actions on other Internet resources.

Activity outside of Facebook

This panel plays a key role in helping Facebook collect the necessary data and start showing relevant ads.

Algorithms understand that the entire range of interests cannot be limited to one service, so they track user actions outside of Facebook. This can include visiting different websites, buying or downloading apps, using mobile programs, searching, adding products to the cart, completing purchases, making donations, and other operations.

By analyzing such data, algorithms assess how ready a user is to buy, and each stage of the process helps to more accurately determine potential readiness.

How to check if the account is a trusted one

Advertising settings

The key panel for effective pharming. Facebook bots analyze demographic, behavioral, and other data to generate a list of relevant topics for advertising. Once an ad is launched, it is important to actively click and interact with it to speed up the process of filling out the dashboard. This allows you to quickly determine whether the account can be used for advertising campaigns.

How to check if the account is a trusted one

Helpful recommendations

One of the key parameters in these reports is online shopping activity, interaction with content, ads, and other aspects. Showing Facebook that your account is actively working with the platform, requesting services, and partially closing leads will speed up ad impressions. Clicks on ads will help to fill the panels faster, which will speed up the preparation of accounts for launch.

If you received an account from a colleague, click on ads and view content from your device. This method will allow you to supplement the missing data and avoid unnecessary attention from Facebook’s algorithms.

Remember: If a new user immediately logs into Ads Manager, it may raise suspicions.

How long to farm for?

The optimal period from the moment of account creation to the launch of advertising is 14-21 days. It is enough to indicate 8-14 advertising preferences, about 30 interests, while the activity should take place outside of Facebook.

We recommend that you pay attention to Facebook’s help materials. These resources will help you to better master the work with accounts and prepare them more thoroughly for advertising campaigns.

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