Vertical swipe stakes: the keys to successful earnings

Vertical swipe stakes: the keys to successful earnings

Arbitrageurs are quietly making money in a niche that is overlooked by many in the industry. Sweepstakes are becoming an increasingly lucrative vertical, offering opportunities to generate traffic from a variety of sources. This niche is especially attractive because it is accessible even for beginners due to small budgets and simple technicalities. But what does this mysterious name really mean? Let’s take a closer look!

What are swipstakes

Sweepstakes are marketing campaigns that offer participants the opportunity to win prizes by participating in a drawing. It’s an effective way for brands to engage their audience, gather valuable insights, and increase their visibility. In the world of digital marketing, sweepstakes open up new horizons for attracting potential customers through innovative approaches and creative offers.
Vertical swipe stakes: the keys to successful earnings

Payment models in swipe stakes: consideration of SOI and DOI

Choosing an effective payment model is a key aspect of success in swiping. General models such as pay-per-impression (CPM) and pay-per-action (CPA) remain popular, but it’s also important to focus on more specific options such as SOI (Single Opt-In) and DOI (Double Opt-In) swipe.

  • SOI (Single Opt-In) sweepstakes require users to perform only one action – for example, enter their email address – to be entered into a drawing. It is a simplified form of participation that provides high conversions and is attractive to advertisers who are interested in fast and effective audience engagement.
  • DOI (Double Opt-In) Sweepstakes require the user to confirm their participation, usually by clicking on a link in an email. This method provides a higher quality audience, as users who go through two-step verification are more likely to be interested in the product or service. Although DOI may reduce the overall number of conversions compared to SOI, it delivers higher quality leads.

When choosing between SOI and DOI, it’s important to consider the goals of your ad campaign. SOI can be ideal for collecting data quickly and reaching a large audience, while DOI is better suited for building a more loyal and valuable user base. Both options have their advantages and can be used effectively depending on the specifics of the product and marketing strategy.

Vertical swipe stakes: the keys to successful earnings

Sources and geo

Sources of traffic for swipe stakes are determined by the variety of opportunities to interact with online platforms. In this context, it is important to consider their effectiveness on social networks, search engines, affiliate networks, and email newsletters.

  • Interaction with social networks:

Sweepstakes successfully integrate with popular social networks, providing businesses with effective advertising among active users. This can include platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

  • Performance in search engines:

Swipstreams help optimize your search engine presence by driving traffic from Google, Bing, and other popular search platforms.

  • Affiliate networks:

Affiliate networks are an important source of traffic for swipe stacks, allowing businesses to expand their audience reach and provide more conversion opportunities.

  • Use in email newsletters:

Swipe stacks can be an effective tool for advertising in email newsletters, allowing you to deliver messages about products or services directly to email inboxes.

  • Geographic targeting:

In fact, sweepstakes can be run from any traffic source, and it is desirable that it be as economical as possible, given that payouts for SOI and DOI are usually under $10, most often being in the $1-5 range. It is effective to work on a share basis, for example, with bloggers. A variety of methods are suitable for testing, from spam emails to push notifications and teaser ads, it is only important to avoid giving the impression of deception, as this can drive users away.

In terms of geographic targeting, in the past, sweepstakes were mainly focused on tier one and sometimes tier two countries. In the US, for example, sweepstakes are treated quite loyally. Many advertisers are not interested in traffic from countries with low purchasing power, avoiding, for example, CIS countries. But now the market is expanding, and many companies are testing sweepstakes in Asia and Eastern Europe, trying to avoid audiences interested only in freebies and focusing on targeted actions.

Now sweepstakes are not just limited to traditional companies; they are also being used in the arbitrage industry to capitalize on subscriptions and card linking, which is a departure from the original concept and can be seen as a less ethical approach.

All these aspects of interaction with traffic sources and geographic targeting make swipe stacks a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness, attracting new customers, and increasing conversions in online business.

Vertical swipe stakes: the keys to successful earnings


In the world of digital marketing, sweepstakes are becoming a key tool for arbitrage and earning money by offering interaction with different traffic sources, including social media, search engines, affiliate networks and email marketing. Choosing between SOI and DOI payment models plays an important role in campaign strategy, with traffic analytics and geography targeting helping to optimize results. Success in the sweepstakes vertical requires understanding the audience and choosing the right traffic sources, making it accessible to many marketers.


1. What is a sweepstakes vertical in arbitrage?

Sweepstakes verticals refer to the affiliate marketing segment where affiliates promote giveaways, contests, or sweepstakes. Participants in these promotions enter their details or perform certain actions for a chance to win a prize. This is a popular niche as it offers high engagement and conversion rates.

2. What factors influence success in the sweepstakes vertical?

Success in the sweepstakes vertical depends on several factors, including choosing the right offer, understanding your target audience, the quality and appeal of your promotional materials, and optimizing your lendings and campaigns. It’s also important to carefully track results and analyze data to continually improve your strategy.

3. How to choose the right sweepstakes offer?

Choosing the right offer involves assessing its relevance to your audience, potential profitability and terms of cooperation with the advertiser. It is also important to consider the legal aspects associated with sweepstakes in different jurisdictions.

4. What are the best practices for creating effective promotional materials for sweepstakes campaigns?

Effective promotional materials for sweepstakes campaigns should be attractive, clearly communicating the terms of participation and the benefits of the offer. It is important to use quality images, compelling calls to action, and create a sense of urgency or exclusivity to the offer.

5. How do you measure the success of your sweepstakes campaigns?

Measuring the success of sweepstakes campaigns involves tracking metrics such as number of registrations or applications, cost per lead, conversion rates and ROI (return on investment). It’s important to set clear goals and KPIs (key performance indicators) before launching a campaign and regularly analyze the results to optimize your strategy.

Антон Шевчук

Anton Shevchuk is a leading expert in traffic arbitrage with over 12 years of experience. Beginning his journey as an analyst in one of Ukraine\'s top advertising agencies, he delved deeply into the mechanisms of audience attraction and monetization.
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