5 ways to increase engagement

5 ways to increase engagement

In the world of marketing, there is a term that every specialist understands – hook. And it’s not about clothes or thrill-seekers, but about a key parameter that affects social media promotion and conversion rates.

Today we will share with you the basic principles that will help to strengthen the attractiveness and increase the chance of successful launch of creatives, as well as increase the ROI of your advertising activities.

So, what is a hook

When you run ads on Facebook or other social networks, your ads are shown to different people from the selected audience. Sometimes it happens that it is targeted for a long time to an audience that does not meet your expectations and does not show interest in your offer. In other cases, the ad immediately reaches the audience that is interested in your product and for whom it is relevant.

It’s interesting that this difference can occur even within the same ad account and the same campaign group.

To summarize: A lead is a precise hit to the target audience for which your offer and offer are relevant. A simple example is to advertise a weight loss product to overweight people. This is one hundred percent compliance with the audience and its needs.

Ways to increase engagement: how to make your creatives more effective

In order to increase engagement, you need to understand the mechanisms of advertising on the Facebook platform:

  • Initially, campaigns and ad sets are created that the algorithm offers to a certain part of the target audience;
  • From this audience, ads are shown only to a certain group of users.

If an ad attracts the attention of the audience, then engagement occurs – the interested part of people from the algorithm’s sample has seen the ad. After that, Facebook begins to increase its reach, and the audience grows rapidly.

It is important to understand that getting into engagement is not an accident, but an aspect that can be purposefully influenced. One of the factors contributing to high engagement is the level of trust in the account. A warmed-up account is much more likely to reach the right audience with ads launched from it.

Alternative ways to increase engagement:

The more diverse the creatives and ads within one campaign, the higher the probability of success

Launching only one ad with a single creative and one adset is significantly inferior in terms of efficiency to a strategy where 3-5 ad sets are activated simultaneously.

The main disadvantage of the “1 campaign-1 ad-1 creative” model is its limited audience reach. But if you use several creatives in one campaign, the chances of attracting the target group will increase significantly.

When launching several ads, we also recommend targeting the audience by age. Dividing the age range into smaller groups, for example, 25-30 years old instead of 25-40 years old, will give a more accurate result.

Creating duplicate ad campaigns can significantly increase efficiency

Facebook distributes impressions of even identical ads to different audience segments. As a result, one of the ad groups can reach the target audience even if other groups with the same settings failed to do so.

Changing Fan Page

If a Facebook page has been around for a long time, it can lose the trust of its audience. Therefore, updating an old page will increase your chances of attracting the right users. You can buy a ready-made page that suits your purposes or create and develop your own from scratch.

Applying these methods individually may not lead to significant results. However, by using them in combination, you significantly increase the likelihood of attracting your target audience.

The key points are testing, combining different methods, and regularly optimizing your ad campaigns.

Original advertising materials

To test your conversion, try creating your own landing pages and compare them with those offered by your affiliate program.

Facebook has a special feature: it checks the uniqueness of landing pages. If the landing page is used infrequently, FB algorithms show it to the target audience more actively.

Careful research of your audience and offers before launching ads

Often, success depends not on the quality of promotional materials or ad settings, but on the relevance of the offer. It can be measured by taking into account economic conditions, seasonality, crises, trends, and news. The market is constantly changing, and what was popular yesterday may not be relevant today. To simplify your analysis, use Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, and various competitor analysis tools.


Using a combined approach significantly increases the likelihood of attracting the target audience. However, it is important to keep in mind that this requires a comprehensive approach: building trust in the profile, regularly changing landing pages, updating landing pages and pre-lands, duplicating and adjusting campaigns.

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