Flush from Facebook targeting to a gambling offer on Slovakia ($29,322)

Flush from Facebook targeting to a gambling offer on Slovakia ($29,322)
  • Vertical:Gambling
  • Affiliate program: gamblingPRO
  • Traffic source:Facebook
  • Geo:Slovakia
  • Upload date: 15.08.2023-12.09.2023
  • Budget: 8.781$
  • Received: 38.100
  • Profit: 29.322
  • ROI: 333%

We came across a super fresh offer for Slovakia with payment for registration – 10$. The advertiser strictly requested traffic from 30+, provided only one land to start with a wheel.


Used rental apps and standard ones from gambling.pro. In the last six months fb actively bans acqs if you don’t like prila, so we tried more than 30 apps for the whole period of drain. As soon as we noticed a pattern of rk bans, we changed the app and the problem was solved.


For the drain bought rent and farming with passed RDA. Started with personalities, rent lived longer, farm lived to 100 spenda and died. In any case, they paid off, so we did not look in the direction of logs or autoreg.

We were running 20 to 50 acqs per day.


Initially, we tested approaches with beautiful women and luxury life, but due to the age of the audience we switched to more understandable creatives: video with a wheel, which is similar to the wheel on the site, pictures that imitate the right to choose a bonus, pictures with bonuses.

Flush from Facebook targeting to a gambling offer on Slovakia ($29,322)

Flush from Facebook targeting to a gambling offer on Slovakia ($29,322)

Flush from Facebook targeting to a gambling offer on Slovakia ($29,322)


In the first 2 weeks the audience was as wide as possible 30-65+ m/m devices from 7.1 for android and from 10 for IOS. A little later such targeting stopped bringing the same results as at the start, so the audience was narrowed down to 30-54 m/j devices. Creatives were redesigned every 3 days, otherwise CR dropped down a lot (CR dropped down to 17-15%, and since we already knew that we could keep it at 20-25%, we immediately changed the targeting/creo).


Mobile proxies based on our phones. At the moment we don’t use these proxies anymore, as the accounts started to check out.

Average cost of installation

0,70-1$ – average cost per install. Conversion 2-4 installs/1 reg.

This result was obtained after changing the approach to creatives, targeting was not touched.

Flush from Facebook targeting to a gambling offer on Slovakia ($29,322)


Offerer excellent, revision of the rate after the first 100 reg made immediately. Gave a great start and a safety cushion before working with deposit offers.

Cactus Squad team is always on the lookout for talented buyers. We have the freshest offers that bring maximum profit.

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