Canadian excitement: ROI of 120% on offline gambling

Canadian excitement: ROI of 120% on offline gambling
  • Vertical:Gambling
  • Affiliate program: One Partners
  • Traffic source:Facebook
  • Geo:Canada
  • Upload date: 23.01-23.02.2024
  • Budget: $7313,9
  • Received: $16371,75
  • Profit: $9057,85
  • ROI: 120,83%

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Canada is hockey, taxes, maple syrup, and… gambling. Okay, maybe gambling is not as popular as hockey, but if most Canadians only support hockey teams, they can play in casinos on their own. The case of One Partners is a proof of this: we entered geo with the Lucky Dreams Casino offer and received an ROI of more than 120%.

Case statistics:

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Canadian excitement: ROI of 120% on offline gambling

Choice of GEO:

Canada is a Tier 1 country, a unique country in itself. It is the second largest country in the world in terms of area, but its population is less than 39 million. It is convenient to consider the average salary in the country according to the North American custom – per year, and here it is almost $60,000.

Almost 100% of Canadians use the Internet. In particular, there are 34 million social media users in Canada alone. Interestingly, the desktop is still dominated by mobile, but is gradually losing ground. The most popular platforms are Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, reddit, and YouTube. 

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However, Facebook is still the leader, so it was chosen as the source of traffic in this case. It is better to use proven platforms in such difficult geos, as experiments in this field are often inappropriate. 

Canadians are quite gambling people, and they respond well to all kinds of bonuses and draws (even though they earn well). However, it is important to remember that gambling is prohibited in Canada, and exceptions and relaxations are available only at the level of individual provinces. It is important to carefully study the legislation before entering this geo.

Creative selection process:

One Partners makes creatives to order, so all you have to do is register!

How did you set up the ad campaigns?

The app of One Partners and good friends of WWA was used in the ad campaign. The chosen platform was Facebook on Android 12+. We targeted men in a fairly wide age range – 22-55 years old, in all regions except Ontario.

And here is a brief summary of the main points of the campaign:

  • Paid target: FTD
  • Payout: 160 EUR
  • Minimum deposit: 20 EUR
  • KPIs: playing traffic, traffic payback


Canada is not for the faint of heart. It is definitely not the easiest geo with a lot of nuances to take into account. And gambling offers should not be launched with a bang, but with numerous tests. We relied not only on creativity but also on the ad campaign settings. This time, it worked perfectly – the profit was more than $9000, and the ROI was 120%.

Do you want to try Canada? Then let One Partners find you an offer!

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