How to get cosmic ad views

How to get cosmic ad views

With PopUnder, your ad will definitely take off. Let’s analyze the features, advantages, and disadvantages of such an ad.

How to get cosmic ad views

Webmasters are increasingly using aggressive types of advertising in their quest to attract even more customers to their traffic vertical. If a native ad is simply “waiting” for a user’s click in a specially designated place on the site, then the placement of the pop-up is not visible on the user’s login page.

Pop-up traffic is one of the oldest in affiliate marketing. Pop-up and pop-up are separate windows with ads that appear when a user goes to a certain web page. Today we will understand what a pop-up is. Is this ad format effective and how annoying is it for users? Also, we will discuss the pros and cons of using pop-ups.

What is popunder?

Let’s break it down in parts: POP – to shoot, to suddenly appear, and UNDER – under, from below. Popunder is an advertisement that appears behind the browser tabs when you click on a certain area of the site or load the landing page. After that, it is enough to minimize or close the main window, and you can immediately see the ad page. For example, when you press “Play” to start a live broadcast of a football match, “+1” often appears next to your tabs on the taskbar. Therefore, for one such viewing of a football match, a user can get up to 10 new ad tabs.

When it comes to traffic arbitrage, it is one of the most effective working tools. It allows you to get high conversion and ROI when promoting offers in the following verticals:

  • gambling
  • Betting
  • dealing
  • adalt
  • crypt
  • smartlinks
  • utilities.

Tip: Choose an offer that supports popunder traffic, otherwise, you may be blacklisted by the advertiser.

Pros and cons of popunder traffic

Pop-up traffic, which is also called veteran traffic, has both pros and cons. However, if it has been floating for more than 10 years, arbitrage specialists have learned to cope with them.

How to get cosmic ad views

Pros of popovers

  • The first advantage of popunders is visibility. The ad pops up like a “devil out of a snuffbox” when the user is about to shut down the computer or put down the phone. Therefore, the user will definitely look at the open page before closing it. This means there is a great opportunity to get a lead.
  • Low price. Not as low as push, but noticeably lower than other popular ad formats, such as targeted or social media.
  • Device adaptability. Advertising automatically adapts to any device. You are guaranteed an adequate image of the creative on both PC and smartphone. And you don’t need to bother with banner sizes;
  • Easy preparation of creatives. You can use simple banners with an enticing phrase for a pop-up without a complicated design. Take a ready-made landing page, show it, and wait for the reward.
  • Traffic volume. Pop-up ads are traffic leaders due to their wide reach across the Internet.
  • Invisibility on the site. If native ads or popups are more “annoying” to users by appearing before the content, then popups do not change the appearance of the page.

Buy popander traffic can be purchased at a low price compared to other types of advertising. If you really want to, you can use popups or native ads together with popanders. To increase the chance of landing on the landing page.

How to get cosmic ad views

As for the disadvantages, we can highlight huge volumes of traffic that are difficult to optimize if you do not use a tracker and additional automatic optimization. Also, if you set up the targeting incorrectly, you can get a lot of untargeted traffic that will stretch your budget but will not give you results. And search engines are against popunder – for example, Google specifically lowers the rankings of sites that use popunder.

How to work with popunder traffic

The success of a popunder campaign rests on three pillars:

  1. A simple offer. Give preference to a vertical that is easier to convert. As a rule, offers with lower payouts show better results on popup ads.
  2. Fast landing page. Check landing pages for speed – if the page takes more than 5 minutes to load, the user will close the tab and leave forever without a twinge of conscience.
  3. Simple text on the landing page + a prominent CTA button. Be careful about mobile pop-ups. If the offer is “large” and attractive, with CTA (Call-To-Action), the user will not pass by.


Poster is a format that definitely gives results. You can even do without creatives. But you can’t avoid studying the target audience and the niche in general, and competent targeting settings are required. You will also have to buy a subscription to the tracker, it will be difficult without it. But the costs will pay off, given the low ad rates and large amount of traffic.

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