"The one who steals always loses to the one who creates" Vadym Kuzmytskyi, CEO of Sinners


Vadym Kuzmytskyi: about life, arbitration and the future of traffic

Vadym Kuzmytskyi is a co-founder of the Sinners arbitration team, which has established itself as a strong player in the traffic sector in a short time. His path is an example of bold decisions, love for his work and the ability to build a team based on trust and mutual respect.

In our interview, Vadym shares his vision of the business, tells why he gave up a stable life in London in favor of new challenges in Kyiv, and explains why he believes that success is built not through rigidity but through quality teamwork. We also talked about Sinners’ plans, the role of neural networks in the future of arbitration, and what “working with fire in your eyes” means to him.

About life and motivation

Top 3 main values in your life?

Love, freedom, work.

Why did you decide to leave a stable business in London and move to the unknown of arbitration in Kyiv?

I wanted a change. The fear of staying in the same place was stronger than the fear of the unknown. Curiosity and adventurousness were added. In any case, any business is unstable. We try to make it as stable as possible for ourselves.

What was the decisive moment to start traffic arbitrage?

The start of any business is a hypothesis. There was no single decisive moment. We just started and that was it.

What helped you overcome the difficulties in the new field?

Love for the work, “fire in the eyes” and patience. As my friend says: “No matter how much money you pay, the child will not be born before 9 months”. It’s the same in business.

On building a team

How did you manage to attract the first employees without a reputation in arbitration?

As a former salesperson, I tried to convey the idea that we were building something bigger. Fortunately, I was not deceived. We still have those who were at the first interviews 4 years ago.

What hiring mistakes will you never repeat?

I used to be too enthusiastic about new employees and demanded more from them than they could do. Now I look at real actions, not fantasizing about who they could be.

How do you motivate buyers and the team in a highly competitive environment?

With good infrastructure, high stakes, and an interesting operation. Our internal team really resembles a family: people are sincere friends, we even had a wedding. This is an indicator – almost no one leaves the team on their own.

On the approach to business

Why do you think that office work is more effective than remote work?

In the office, people are more focused and productive. You can grow faster and more aggressively. Remote work also has the right to exist, but you need to be more careful when choosing people.

Why did you refuse a polygraph and strict management?

I like to start any relationship with trust, whether it is an employee or a partner. The one who steals loses in the long run to the one who creates. As for strict management, many people confuse rigidity with demandingness. We build everything on respect. We work with experts, so it is important to hear and listen to them. You can get a quick result through rigidity, but cool specialists will leave.

How do you choose employees and partners?

By expertise, honesty, and “fire in the eyes.”

About the gambling vertical

Why did you choose gambling as the main vertical for the team?

This is a large and dynamic market with a minimum of bureaucracy.

Do you work with other geos besides Bourgeois?


Do you plan to test other verticals?

We are already working in swipstakes and plan to test other areas.

About neurons and the future of arbitrage

What is the role of neural networks in arbitration in the next 5 years?

Automation, campaign optimization, work with big data, predictive analytics, and autonomous bots for media buying.

What tasks do you entrust to neural networks and what do you leave to your team?

Creativity is up to the team. We try to optimize everything else through neural networks.

Can neurons completely replace buyers?

Buyer’s creativity – no, everything else – yes.

About plans and goals

What is the team working on now?

We have launched a PWA constructor MEOW PWA that uses neural networks. All applications are generated by artificial intelligence, and we are already ahead of the competition in terms of conversion.

What strategic changes are you planning in the team?

Nothing radical – the focus is on smooth growth.

What is the main goal of Sinners for 5 years?

Grow without losing quality, staying with those who are with us now.

Personal insights

What would you change if you started your journey all over again?

Nothing. Everything happened organically and in a timely manner.

What advice do you have for newcomers to arbitration?

This is not rocket science. Be patient, believe in yourself – and everything will work out, but not tomorrow.

Favorite phrase?

“One mistake and you’re gone” © Jason Statham.

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