What are Backlinks and how they affect the site's SEO

What are Backlinks and how they affect the site's SEO

When you start working on promoting your project on the Internet, sooner or later you will come across such concepts as “link building”, “link mass”, “backlinks”, “backlink donors”, “mirlinks”. Today we will figure out what Backlink.

What are Backlinks and how they affect the site's SEO

Backlink – is a backlink that leads to your site from other resources.

Backlinks are a link building tool designed to build link mass that search engines take into account when ranking sites. To measure this indicator, Google tracks such a parameter as page rank (PR). The larger and better the link mass, the higher your website’s position in the search results will be. Therefore, backlinks are extremely important for effective SEO.

In addition to the obvious benefits of promoting a website on the Internet, backlinks help to increase the target audience, attract new customers, and increase website traffic.

How to understand that you need backlinks?

To do this, answer the following questions:

  • Do you have your own website
  • Is it for commercial purposes? Do you want to make a profit from it
  • You are dissatisfied with the result of promotion
  • You are promoting it in search engines
  • You want to improve your site’s position, increase traffic and increase the number of orders

Types of backlinks: Variety and value

Backlinks come in different types, and not all of them have the same value for SEO. Let’s consider the main types:

  • Natural backlinks: These are links that other webmasters place on their sites on their own initiative, having found your content useful or interesting. Such links are the most valuable for SEO.
  • Manual backlinks (Manual backlinks): These are links obtained as a result of active actions, such as guest posting, submitting press releases, participating in industry forums, etc.
  • Self-created backlinks: These are links that you create on your own, for example, by leaving comments on blogs or posting links on social media profiles. Such links have the least SEO value.

Usable strategies for getting backlinks

  • Submit your website URL to Directories. Directories are online libraries of websites. They are themselves sites that categorize other sites based on many factors that depend on the directory. Getting listed in a directory can increase the chance of getting quality backlinks. Keep in mind that smaller directories can be powerful. For example, if your business is an art gallery, try searching online for art-based directories. If your site has a physical location, submitting to local directories is highly recommended. Be sure to submit to directories that match the purpose of your site.
  • Guest blogs. Many trustworthy sites offer the opportunity to write a guest blog related to your business niche. By writing a blog post for a popular and trustworthy site, you will not only increase your online presence, but also create a quality backlink to your site.
  • Social networks. Participating in an online community related to your niche creates an opportunity to get potentially useful links. Blogs, forums, and social media sites are full of people who are interested in the same topics as you. They are looking for social connections and forming business relationships. Join these groups and establish yourself as someone of value to the community.
  • Posting reviews for other services. If you regularly work with certain companies or suppliers, you can contact them to post a review on their website that includes a link to your site.
  • Creating content. Creating articles or blog posts related to your topic is one of the best ways to get yourself noticed. Research the market for relevant topics and write recommendations, articles with data-driven statistics, infographics – anything that may be of interest to experts in your field.

How to check backlinks to a website?

Very often, attempts to quickly increase link mass by buying a lot of backlinks on the first trust sites cause a sharp decline in the site’s position in the search engine or even get the online resource under one of Google’s filters. Therefore, it is very important to regularly check your website’s backlinks for quality and eliminate bad links in time.

The list of low-quality backlinks includes backlinks from donors with a high level of spam, as well as

  1. backlinks whose subject matter differs from the subject matter of the donor site
  2. links containing commercial anchors and a large number of high-frequency keys
  3. transverse backlinks

What are Backlinks and how they affect the site's SEO

Backlinks in SEO

Ranking improvement, as well as an increase in TIC and PR parameters, depends on the number and quality of backlinks on third-party resources. Thematic similarity plays an important role: if you place a link from a website that sells phones to a website that offers political reviews, the search engine will consider it spam and simply disregard it. Therefore, it is desirable that the subject matter of the site and the site coincide at least partially.

Tip: One high-quality link from a popular website is better than a large number of low-quality links.

Backlinks in SMO, SMM

Backlinks from blogs or communities help to bring targeted visitors without intermediaries in the face of search engines, as well as increase their number.

The quality and quantity of backlinks affects the promotion of a resource in groups or communities, because the more backlinks you have, the more users will see them and learn about the site. But everything is good in moderation. Optimizers can exclude users from the community if they spam the community with backlinks. No one has ever liked intrusive website advertising.

Backlinks in terms of monetization

Backlinks can bring a good profit to a webmaster. A webmaster rents out space on his website and places backlinks from optimizers, for which he receives money. But you shouldn’t get carried away with backlinks, especially if their number exceeds a hundred and the price does not exceed two dollars. Search engines can ban you for such link spam.


Backlinkingis a powerful tool for promoting your website in search engines. However, it is important to remember that the quality of backlinks plays a key role. Strive to get links from reputable and relevant resources to strengthen your website’s position in search results and attract targeted organic traffic.

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