Business promotion in Google Maps

Business promotion in Google Maps

Business promotion in Google Maps. We figure out how to effectively attract customers in one application.

Business promotion in Google Maps

In the world of fast-moving digital technologies, users are less likely to experiment and personally check the quality of certain services. More than 70% of consumers read product reviews before making a purchase. And another 67% of users prefer websites with a system of ratings and reviews. So it becomes obvious that online reputation management is an extremely important aspect for the success of any business. Thanks to the implemented review system in Google Maps, users of the application have the opportunity to make less frequent mistakes with their choices and receive only high-quality products and services.

What is Google Maps

Google Maps (Google Maps) is a Google service that provides a list of nearby companies and organizations (local search) that provide services or sell goods of interest in response to a specific request. For example, if you enter the query “restaurant nearby” in Google search, you will be presented with a map with the nearest restaurants and cafes. However, not all companies will be included in the list, but only those whose information is available on the Internet. All Google services use local search. All answers to search queries are based on the user’s location. If you have an offline business: offices, points of sale, or showrooms that work with local search, they must be represented on Google Maps.

But not every company among the competitors for a search query soars to the top of the search results list. Here, as in organic search, it all depends on the ranking results. To be represented and promote in Google Maps, you need to create a company profile in Google My Business.

What is a Google Business Profile

Google has a directory of organizations where you can add your company so that users can get acquainted with information about it. In the summer of 2022, the catalog was named Google Business Profile (GBP).

This is a free service from Google that allows you to post information about your company and manage it in the listing. GBP helps businesses control how information about their businesses (shops, cafes, restaurants, beauty studios, etc.) is displayed in Google search results, Google Maps, and Google Shopping.

In GBP, you can add a business schedule, company contacts, route, photos, customer reviews, and other important information, as well as track interaction with the audience. This helps businesses increase their visibility in local search and attract more customers.

For local businesses, Google Business Directory is becoming one of the main sources of traffic. Some businesses don’t often spend their budgets on running paid advertising because they get the lion’s share of leads from Google Business Profile. Of course, it all depends on the niche, but almost every position in the listing can provide several clicks per day.

Business promotion in Google Maps

Why is it important to have a business profile

Google My Business (Google Business Profile) is information about a business posted on Google. This data is all the information a customer needs. Everything you add to your profile is shown both in Google search and in Google maps.

Microtag: what is it and what role does it play

Every time a person wants to find information, learn about a specific location, make a purchase, and uses a smartphone, a micro-moment occurs. A competent advertising strategy for creating micro-moments includes the following components:

  1. Instant reaction. There should not be a single obstacle on the customer’s way. For example, it is necessary to optimize the site for the client’s device.
  2. Usable content. In response to their query in the search engine, the user should see relevant information.
  3. Presence. The company should come to the attention of the consumer exactly when the need arises.

Placing a company on Google Maps has the following advantages:

  • Brand awareness increases and customer loyalty grows.
  • Your company gets the attention of the target audience and additional targeted traffic.
  • You can reach users from other countries who need services in your country. Users from different countries will be able to see information about your company if they enter a query with a location.

Business promotion in Google Maps

To encourage customers to leave reviews, you can:

  1. Install a review form on the site
  2. Send questionnaires by email and SMS
  3. Use QR codes
  4. Reward with cashback, bonuses, and promotions
  5. Give away products in exchange for detailed reviews.

How to optimize your account for promotion on Google Maps

To achieve the best results in Google Maps, we recommend:

  • Gradually add a variety of reviews that look like they come from real users
  • Regularly update company information
  • Respond promptly to customer feedback
  • Maintain activity: add news, promotions, photos
  • Integrate profile with YouTube

This will help your business to have a good reputation and high ranking on Google maps.


Google Maps advertising is the best option if you want to attract users to your office or a nearby point of sale. It’s inexpensive and you don’t need to bother with creative and ad copy. All you need is a brief description of your business, contacts, and work schedule, and optional visuals.

So don’t ignore the power of Google Maps and Google Reviews. With the help of competent work with reviews, you can take your business to a whole new level.

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