Native advertising: what it is, detailed overview and examples

Native advertising: what it is, detailed overview and examples

What are native ads?

Native advertising is an ad format that integrates itself into a platform’s content, making it look like original content. It hides its commercial nature by mimicry of organic content and tries to attract the audience’s attention without immediately evoking an association with classic advertising.

The advantages and disadvantages of native advertising


  • Information assimilation: since native ads aim to integrate into content, they have a higher chance of being seen and remembered.
  • Enhance audience engagement: because native ads don’t disrupt the user experience, they tend to elicit positive reactions and attract more attention.
  • Lower immunity to ad blocking: Compared to traditional banner ads⁤, native ads are less likely to be blocked by ad filters or installed ad blockers.

Native advertising: what it is, detailed overview and examples


  • Risk of violating audience trust: if native ads are not well enough coded into the content, they can cause negative reactions, erode trust and even cause negative attitudes towards the brand.
  • Difficulty in measuring performance: because native ads are integrated directly into content, measuring performance can be challenging.
  • Higher creation costs: creating quality native ads can require more time, money and effort than traditional ads.

Native Advertising Market Analysis

In today’s advertising market, native advertising is becoming increasingly popular. In recent years, there has been an increase in spending on native advertising and brand engagement with this format. Research shows that native advertising attracts more audience attention and has a higher conversion rate than traditional advertising.

Examples of Native Advertising

One of the outstanding examples of native advertising is sponsored articles or promotional articles integrated into a publication. These articles follow the format and style of the original editorial but have a commercial focus. Another example is promotional posts on social media, which combine a product review with an advertisement. Social media promotional posts are another example.

How to create a native advertising campaign: tips for beginners

  1. Study your ‍target audience: understand what content they consume and topics‍ they are interested in.
  2. Integrate with content: make your ads as organic and influential as possible.
  3. Collaborate with experts: if necessary, consult with professionals who know how to successfully create native ads.
  4. Measure results and make adjustments: monitor metrics and improve your campaign based on the data you receive.

Native advertising: what it is, detailed overview and examples

Dictionary of ‍terms

  • Native advertising: an advertising format that integrates into the platform’s content, making it similar to the original content.
  • Conversion: the percentage of users who perform a desired action after viewing an ad.
  • Organic content: original content on the platform that consumers commonly use.
  • Organic content: original content on the platform that consumers commonly use.
  • Advertising filter: software software that blocks the display of advertisements to users.


Native advertising is an effective and popular advertising format that integrates into a platform’s organic content. It has benefits such as increased audience engagement and lower immunity to ad blocking, but it can also cause audience distrust and be demanding in measuring effectiveness. With best practices and expert collaboration, you can create a successful native advertising campaign and bring more attention to your brand.

FAQ about native advertising

Can ad filters block native ads?

Although native ads are less likely to be blocked, some ad filters can still affect their display.

What are the most common formats for native ads?

The most common formats for native advertising include sponsored articles, social media promotional posts, commercials and interactive content blocks.

Are there any drawbacks to native advertising?

Native advertising can break audience trust, be difficult to measure performance and require more cost to create than traditional advertising.

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