Dynamic remarketing in Google Ads

Dynamic remarketing in Google Ads

At a time when the audience is already saturated with ubiquitous advertising that often does not meet their interests, dynamic marketing will be a real boon for businesses. It is a modern and effective method that helps to return users to your website. Why is it important and what is the role of Dynamic Remarketing? Let’s find out.

What is dynamic remarketing for?

Google’s Dynamic Remarketing is one of the most convenient tools for businesses in the era of rapid growth of online shopping. In short, it reminds users of products that they were interested in but never bought.

Imagine the situation: you search for a product on Google, go to optimized sites, but don’t complete the purchase for a number of reasons, such as lack of interest or dissatisfaction with the price.

What happens next? Thanks to the product remarketing settings, the seller has the opportunity to remind you of the products you are interested in. You start seeing ads related to these products when you continue to use Google services. In short: if you were looking for headphones but didn’t buy them, Google will offer you ads with this device and related products based on your geolocation.

Now, think about it from a business perspective: Google Ads dynamic remarketing will allow you to retain an interested audience and bring them back to your website. This type of advertising is more effective than other types, and conversion rates are higher than in conventional advertising campaigns.

Dynamic remarketing in Google Ads

What are the benefits of a remarketing strategy?

Remarketing campaigns with Google Ads dynamic ads have several significant advantages:

  • Automatic ad updates ensures that your audience is always aware of current offers, new products, and other changes in the company that meet the interests of potential customers.
  • Targeted discount: Remarketing provides special offers to customers who have already visited your site but have not completed the purchase.
  • Audience Segmentation: This remarketing feature opens up a wide range of possibilities, including identifying groups of users who added an item to the cart but didn’t complete the purchase, as well as those who differ in average check.
  • Efficiency analysis: To determine if dynamic remarketing is right for you, you can use the Google Analytics Path Length report. This report shows how often users return to your website to complete a purchase. If the conversion rate for repeat visits is 30% or less, implementing dynamic remarketing will be a must. Even if the conversion rate is 50% or higher, it will be useful. Dynamic remarketing allows you to effectively reach out to those users who are interested in your products.

The main stages of a dynamic remarketing strategy

In general terms, the process of setting up dynamic remarketing includes five key stages:

  1. Development of a remarketing scenario.
  2. Preparation of product feed for displaying to users.
  3. Setting a special tag with parameters for products and pages.
  4. Creating an audience for future advertising campaigns.
  5. Development of dynamic ads. You can use different tools from Google for Business to set up dynamic ads. Although the strategies may be similar, there are some differences. Read more about it below.

Scenario options for dynamic remarketing

Since the goals and actions of customers can vary, approaches to stimulating purchases should be diverse. Dynamic remarketing uses various scenarios, among which the main ones are:

  • Arousing interest among customers who have already viewed products on your site but have not yet made a purchase decision.
  • Attract users who have added a product to the cart but have not completed the purchase process.
  • Recommend products that belong to the same category or related groups as those that aroused the user’s interest.
  • Suggestion of additional products that can complement the main product of interest.
  • Advertising consumables needed to use the main product that has attracted the customer’s attention.
  • With the help of standard Google Ads tools, you can choose the right option to meet the needs and goals of your business.

Dynamic remarketing in Google Ads


Dynamic remarketing provides great opportunities to expand your online business. This tool not only helps to return customers who did not complete the purchase, but also attracts an audience that did not find the right product from competitors. Dynamic remarketing is configured through various parameters depending on your capabilities and available Google resources. You can easily create an advertising campaign on Google, showing your customers relevant ads with current prices, updated assortment, and the right offers. Our team will be happy to help you master this online marketing tool and develop an effective advertising campaign that will increase your revenue and attract the target audience to your website.

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