Crypto vertical: What you need to know when working in traffic arbitrage

Crypto vertical: What you need to know when working in traffic arbitrage

Crypto Vertical: What you need to know when working in traffic arbitrage

Cryptocurrencies first captured the public’s attention in early 2009 when Bitcoin, now the most famous cryptocurrency in the world, entered the digital money market. This topic was particularly interesting due to a 2011 article in Forbes magazine, which dubbed Bitcoin the “currency of the future” and became the starting point for the widespread popularization of cryptocurrencies. Today, blockchain technologies have found application in various business areas, and in some countries, cryptocurrencies have been officially recognized for payments. It is possible to make money on cryptocurrencies not only through mining or investments. Traffic arbitrage is also becoming an increasingly popular method of earning money through the promotion of crypto offers. Let us consider this vertical in more detail.

Characteristics of Crypto Vertical

  • High Payouts: The crypto vertical can generate up to several thousand dollars per targeted action. The target audience of this vertical is characterized by high solvency and willingness to take the necessary actions. However, promoting offers is often difficult and requires considerable effort, and leads may not appear immediately. However, in case of a successful conversion, a large profit is guaranteed.
  • Minimal Fraud Risk: In the crypto vertical, special attention is paid to checking the quality of traffic. Any attempts to cheat can lead to blocking in affiliate networks and damage to reputation.
  • Geographic flexibility: For advertisers, it does not matter where the traffic comes from, only the fact of making a deposit or using the service is important. This provides webmasters with access to a wide range of Tier-1 and partially Tier-2 countries, although it may be less efficient to drive traffic to some regions.
  • Low Competition: This is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the crypto vertical. Low competition makes it possible to process large volumes of traffic, but due to the complexity of working in this niche and the requirement of experience in promoting other similar niches, the crypto vertical is mostly staffed by experienced webmasters and large media buying teams.
  • The importance of experience in related verticals: Webmasters with successful experience in gambling or betting have a better chance of success in the crypto vertical due to similar principles of promotion and the importance of depositing a targeted action.
  • Lack of Hold: Most affiliate programs in the crypto vertical payout rewards immediately after a user deposits, and some even offer the possibility of working on a prepaid basis. This is a unique feature for arbitrage, where the CPA payout (registration + deposit) can be credited to the webmaster’s balance immediately after the user registers.

Crypto vertical: What you need to know when working in traffic arbitrage

Features of TA and GEO in the Crypto Vertical

The main consumers of crypto offers are usually residents of developed countries of the first tier (Tier-1). According to studies such as the one conducted by Statista, the largest spread of cryptocurrencies is observed in countries such as Nigeria, Turkey, and Indonesia. Although these countries do not belong to Tier-1, they demonstrate active use of cryptocurrencies. This is due to the loyalty of the legislation of these countries to cryptocurrencies, allowing citizens of other countries to conduct active economic activities within these regions. 

Crypto vertical: What you need to know when working in traffic arbitrage

For example, the registration of crypto assets in Tier-2 and Tier-3 countries can be used to evade taxes and minimize certain regulatory restrictions.

Numerous studies aimed at identifying an accurate portrait of the target audience of cryptocurrencies show that most crypto asset owners can be divided into two main groups:

  • Men aged 35 to 60 with higher education and an annual income of $130 thousand.
  • Men aged 26 to 35 who are at the initial stage of personal capital formation and are looking for promising projects to invest in.

Although women are also showing interest in cryptocurrencies, their share of all investors does not exceed 20%. Over time, the requirements for potential investors are becoming less stringent, making the sector more accessible to the middle class. Experts suggest that over the next 3-5 years, investing in cryptocurrencies may become a key topic in Tier-3 countries, and the share of women investors may reach 35%.

Types of Crypto Offers

Crypto vertical: What you need to know when working in traffic arbitrage

Since the beginning of 2019, crypto offers have become widely available to the audience, and by now, several key types can be distinguished:

Investment Offers

This type of offer is aimed at attracting investments in cryptocurrencies. Usually, the target action here is to make a deposit, although there are also pay-per-lead (CPL) offers. The task of the webmaster is to motivate the user to deposit funds into the account.

After that, traders or users independently invest in cryptocurrencies, crypto funds, or tokens, making a profit from their sale.

Since Bitcoin was introduced more than 13 years ago, about 17,500 different types of cryptocurrencies have appeared on the market.


This is one of the most complicated areas in crypto offers. Trading offers assume that users will trade cryptocurrencies on their own. Such offers have the potential to generate significant income, but their target audience is significantly limited. They usually attract only those users who are already familiar with the world of cryptocurrencies and have the necessary skills to trade. For those new to cryptocurrencies, such offers may not be suitable.

However, there are also related types of offers on the market that combine not only trading but also trading training programs. The purpose of such offers is to sell training and encourage users to make a deposit. It is important to keep in mind that the target action is considered completed and paid for at a predetermined rate only if the user has purchased a course and made a deposit. Otherwise, the rate can be changed. Payouts for such offers start from $150 and can reach $1500.


This is a variant of trading where the key feature is the use of special software for trading on the stock exchange. The task of the webmaster in this case is to promote the program and motivate the user to start using it. The amount of payments in this case also starts from $150.

Blockchain Training Programs

Blockchain training programs and courses are focused on acquiring skills in the field of cryptocurrency trading. The goal of such offers is to attract leads, with payments starting at $200-250 for each attracted user.

Referral Programs

Cryptocurrency exchange services and referral programs are among the less popular types of crypto offers. Although the payouts in these offers may be smaller, they still provide an opportunity to earn money. Exchanges, as direct advertisers, seek to attract as many users as possible by offering various bonus programs. The target action in such offers is registration followed by a deposit. Payouts can vary from $1 to $100.

Sources of Traffic

In the field of crypto verticals, real cases of successful traffic are quite rare due to high stakes and growing competition. Webmasters often do not disclose the details of their successful strategies in order not to give away their methods to competitors. Crypto offers often belong to the so-called “gray” category, which involves the use of cloaking or other methods of bypassing moderation. The most popular traffic sources include:


Traffic from search engines is considered one of the highest quality. Users who come to a landing page from a search are usually more interested in learning or cooperation. Direct advertising on Google Ads is prohibited, but there are ways to get around this restriction, for example, through cloaking or promoting Android apps. Popular tools for bypassing Google moderation are Adspect, Trafficarmor, and IMKLO.

Facebook (FB)

This is one of the most popular traffic sources for crypto offers, and precise targeting is especially important to minimize budget losses. FB is especially popular in developed countries where users actively communicate and create communities to share experiences and attract like-minded people. Webmasters can use various creatives and formats to pass moderation and launch advertising campaigns on this platform.


TikTok has the potential to become a leading source of crypto traffic, but the peculiarities of its audience make its prospects ambiguous. The arbitrage community treats this source with some caution. The advantages of TikTok include:

  • Availability of a solvent audience in the 25-45 age group.
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface of the advertising account.
  • Easier reach for new accounts compared to Facebook.
  • Lack of awareness of the TikTok audience about the crypto vertical.
  • Opportunities to work with free traffic

When working with TikTok for crypto offers, it is recommended to use “white” creatives and avoid keywords such as “crypto”, “investment”, and “trading”.


Traffic from YouTube is highly valued for its high level of user engagement. Visitors who land on a landing page after watching a video and learning about a product are often motivated to take targeted actions, bringing them closer to the characteristics of search or organic traffic.

Influencer Traffic

Influencer traffic refers to any model of promotion involving third parties such as consultants, educators, or opinion leaders. It can take place on channels dedicated to exchange reviews, cryptocurrency market forecasts, or aimed at driving traffic to specific platforms.

Promotion can be either native (where the channel owner uses the advertised platform as an example) or direct (with an emphasis on the advantages and benefits of using the platform). Sometimes, influencers redirect users from Instagram to their accounts, attracting the audience by selling content or direct mailings.


SEO optimization is an ideal choice for long-term traffic generation strategies. Creating and optimizing a website requires significant time and active participation of the webmaster. However, with the right approach, a website that is properly optimized for search engines can consistently attract high-quality traffic and quickly recoup investments.

Email marketing

Email marketing remains an effective tool in crypto verticals, successfully attracting high-quality traffic. Perhaps this is because the target audience of crypto offers often perceives email as one of the main communication channels on the Internet.

The effectiveness of email marketing largely depends on the quality and relevance of the subscriber base. This method works well in combination with an SEO-optimized website, providing even higher conversion rates


To stay relevant and successful in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, you need to be vigilant at all times. Sometimes you may have to worry and check the statistics, hoping that everything is functioning as it should. It is important to analyze your actions, keep records of the results, follow the latest market trends, and experiment constantly. In addition, the crypto community can become an indispensable support resource, as even the most difficult tasks are easier to solve together with like-minded people.

Crypto affiliate programs present unique opportunities for webmasters and marketers interested in digital currencies. Joining a crypto affiliate program allows you to earn income by promoting products or services related to cryptocurrencies. Lead Panda offers a wide range of affiliate programs in the crypto vertical that will help you maximize your income and succeed in this dynamic industry. To learn more about the available programs and terms of partnership, please visit the Lead Panda Crypto Affiliate Programs page.


What is traffic arbitrage in the crypto vertical?

Traffic arbitrage in the crypto vertical is the process of buying traffic on one platform and reselling it on another, the purpose of which is to make a profit from the price difference. It is often associated with advertising campaigns aimed at attracting users to cryptocurrency products and services.

What are the risks of traffic arbitrage for the crypto vertical?

The main risks include cryptocurrency market volatility, regulatory changes, traffic fraud, and the risk of losing investments due to improper campaign management. It is also important to consider reputational risks associated with the choice of unreliable partners or products.

What tools and strategies are used in crypto vertical traffic arbitrage?

Effective arbitrage requires the use of analytical tools to track the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, as well as targeting and retargeting strategies to maximize ROI. It is also important to constantly analyze market trends and adapt strategies to current market conditions.

What are the key success factors in traffic arbitrage in the crypto vertical?

The key factors include a deep understanding of the cryptocurrency market, choosing the right platforms and tools for buying and analyzing traffic, as well as developing attractive and relevant advertising materials for the target audience. It is also important to constantly learn and adapt to changes in the industry.

How to measure the effectiveness of arbitrage campaigns in the crypto vertical?

The effectiveness can be measured through such indicators as ROI (return on investment), conversion rates, cost per action (CPA), and the total volume of attracted quality traffic. It is also important to conduct A/B testing of different campaign elements to determine the most effective strategies.

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