Checklist of stop words for advertising in Meta

Checklist of stop words for advertising in Meta

Checklist of stop words for Meta advertising-what you need to know to avoid getting banned

More and more arbitrageurs are now moving to the burgee market, but it is not as easy as it seems. Not only do you need to take into account each EA, but you also need to be super careful with stop words that can get your account banned.

The problem is that Meta doesn’t provide an exact list of words that can get you banned. There are only general topics that are better to avoid, so you have to check what works and what is better not to use on your own experience.

So that you don’t spend a lot of time and nerves checking, we’ve collected the main reasons for the ban and examples of the most forbidden words and phrases. Scroll on to make sure you don’t miss anything.

Personal appeals

Facebook doesn’t like it when the text of an ad contains direct appeals to the user or mentions of their personal traits or circumstances. For example:

  • Example of a prohibited phrase: “Are you a busy mom who doesn’t have time to cook healthy meals for your family? We can help!”
  • How to avoid a ban: Instead of referring to “moms,” use common phrases, testimonials, or descriptions of other users’ experiences.

Capitalization and exclamation points

Advertisements written in caps or with an excessive number of exclamation points can also be blocked. Facebook considers such phrases to be aggressive.

  • Example: “BUY NOW!!!”
  • Solution: Use capital letters only for important words and use emojis to express emotions.

Health, weight loss, and medicine

Facebook closely monitors ads related to weight loss, cosmetics, or medical conditions. You cannot advertise products related to weight, illness, or mental health issues.

  • Prohibited words: “diet”, “weight loss”, “depression”, “anxiety”.
  • Solution: Instead of negative wording, build your text around improving your health. For example, instead of “Lose 10 kg in a month”, use “Feel healthy this summer!”

Promises of quick earnings

Easy money or “easy money” ads are a direct way to get blocked.

  • Forbidden phrases: “Earn $5000 in a month!”, “Fast money from home.”
  • Solution: Instead of promising fast money, use phrases about skills or a business plan, for example: “Learn 5 habits for a successful start in business.”

Objections and criticism of appearance

Any phrases that humiliate or insult users can also send you to a ban.

  • Example of a banned phrase: “Can’t get rid of those horrible pimples?”
  • Solution: Avoid negative adjectives like “terrible” or “repulsive”. Instead, offer solutions without judgment.

Free content

Advertisements with promises of free content, sweepstakes, or promotions are often moderated.

  • Banned words: “free”, “raffle”, “win”.
  • Solution: Replace these words with softer ones, like “get a discount.”

Clickbait and urgent offers

Facebook blocks ads that manipulate users by creating a sense of urgency.

  • Banned phrases: “Use it now! Only today!”
  • Solutions: Use more creative phrases like “You’re going to love this” or “Time’s up.”


Advertisements with any mention of the coronavirus or related terms (for example, “Covid-19”, “pandemic”) are blocked.

Use of names or trademarks

Be careful when using well-known brands or names. Meta prohibits the use of its trademarks in advertising.

Be careful with terms about social roles

If you don’t want your ad to be blocked and your personal account to receive a warning, it’s better not to use words related to the following topics:

  • feminism;
  • body positivity;
  • racial discrimination;
  • sex discrimination;
  • religion;
  • sexual orientation;
  • mental health;
  • conspiracy theories.

By the way, due to the popularity of gender role rejection in Western countries, be careful with gender-specific ads. Users may complain if they think the ad promotes stereotypes or is not inclusive enough.


Political topics are one of the most sensitive on Facebook. Especially when it comes to elections and rallies in the US or UK. This applies even when political rhetoric is used to advertise events that have nothing to do with politics.

Please note that any calls for a change of government, mentions of politicians (especially Joe Biden and Donald Trump), as well as words such as political views,liberals,democratic, etc.

Tobacco, alcohol, weapons

It may seem obvious, but forbidden words related to tobacco, alcohol, or weapons are a direct way to a ban. And this applies not only to advertising, but also to your personal account.

Avoid words such as:

  • cigarettes;
  • guns;
  • ammunition;
  • explosive;
  • vaporizers;
  • cigars;
  • tobacco pipes;
  • electronic cigarettes.

It is also better not to mention alcohol or tobacco brands.

Meta, Instagram, Facebook brands

Meta doesn’t like its name or logo to be used in advertising. It can be seen as an attempt to deceive users and convince them that you are somehow connected to the platform.

According to Meta’s rules, you cannot use the names FacebookorInstagram in advertising unless you are an official representative of the product or service. This applies to both the name and the logo.

Financial transactions related to crypto

Since 2018, Facebook has banned ads for cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and similar topics. The following words should be avoided:

  • crypto;
  • cryptocurrency;
  • binary options;
  • trading;
  • bitcoin, dogecoin.

This is due to the fact that such ads can be perceived as fraudulent, which undermines user confidence in the platform.

Payday loans, advances, and other short-term payments with high interest are also banned on Facebook. Phrases such as payday loans, paycheck advances and other hints of quick financial assistance should be excluded from ads.

Surveillance technologies

If you plan to advertise surveillance equipment, it will be difficult. Facebook prohibits the promotion of such equipment.

Avoid words like spy cams,mobile phone trackers or any phrases that hint at spying on other people. For example, a creos with the text “Find out what your wife is doing while you’re away” will not be moderated.

We have prepared this checklist to avoid the most common mistakes when creating ads on Facebook and Instagram.

Return to it when launching ads and don’t fall into Meta traps!

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