Banner advertising: what is it and how does it work?

Banner advertising: what is it and how does it work?

Banner advertising is a type of contextual advertising that involves placing advertising images on targeted web resources in order to attract quality visitors. Each banner is a unique advertising message that can be static or animated. Banner ads can meet you on YouTube, while online shopping, watching news, and in other situations on the Internet. When you click on a banner, you are redirected to the advertiser’s website where a specific product, service, or commodity is available.

The main aspects to consider for a successful banner campaign are as follows

  • Portrait of a potential client: Determine the characteristics of your target audience, such as gender, age, interests, social status, income level, and any other available information. The more you know about your audience, the more accurately you can target your ads.
  • Interest: You have a very limited amount of time to capture the interest of a potential customer. The design of the banner should be attractive and expressive, but it is also important to have a clear information basis. Explain you offer, they need it, and they should pay attention to your offer. Make it as concise and convincing as possible.

Banner advertising: what is it and how does it work?

Types of banner ads

Banner ads can be categorized depending on the format, including static images (jpeg, png), gif images, and flash animations.

  • Static images (jpeg, png): These banners are static and consist of a single image. They are relatively simple to create and can be effective.
  • Gif images: These are dynamic banners that consist of multiple images that change from one to the next. Gifs attract users’ attention thanks to animation.
  • Flash animation: These banners use Flash technology to create complex animations. They can be very interactive and effective, but also require more resources to create.

Banner sizes in pixels:

  • 468 x 60 (long or full banner): The most common size that is usually allocated on a website for a banner.
  • 392 x 72 (long banner with a vertical navigation bar).
  • 234 x 60 (usually arranged in groups of several pieces).
  • 120 x 240 (often used to advertise services and products and are placed vertically).
  • 88 x 31 (buttons of various sizes, including micro buttons).

The success of banner ads depends on a harmonious combination of design and textual content. Important points for creating an effective banner:

  • Short text: A banner should contain short and clear text. It is best if it is no more than 10 words so that users quickly understand your offer.
  • Catchiness: Start with the key benefit of your product or service to grab attention right away.
  • Targeting the target audience: Your banner should be tailored to your specific target audience to be as effective as possible.

Types of banners depending on the intended purpose

  1. Informational banners: These banners help inform users and build loyalty. They are often used to announce product updates or new services on a website. Informational banners provide users with the information they need.
  2. Brand or image banners: These are banners that aim to increase brand awareness. They can contain logos and brand symbols and are often used by well-known companies to create a positive image with a concise design.
  3. Targeted or transactional banners: These banners are designed to invite your target audience to take a specific action. They can inspire users to go to a website, sign up for a newsletter, or browse a product catalog to find interesting offers. Targeted banners are aimed at a specific interaction with the user.

Banner advertising: what is it and how does it work?

Advantages of banner advertising

  • Maximum user reach: Banner ads allow you to reach the maximum number of users as they are placed on numerous websites and platforms.
  • Boost brand awareness: Regular banner displays on website pages help increase brand awareness among users.
  • Targeting the target audience: Banners can be customized so that only the target audience sees them, increasing the effectiveness of advertising.
  • Large number of available advertising spaces: Millions of sites and pages offering ad space provide plenty of opportunities for banner placement.
  • Geotargeting: Banner networks allow you to target ads to residents of a specific region or an entire country, which increases conversion rates.
  • Cost: The cost of banner ads on banner exchange networks can be significantly lower than on individual web portals.
  • Visual appeal: Banners are able to attract attention due to their visual appeal and expressiveness.
  • Contextual advertising: If contextual advertising is set up, banners can accompany text ads, which increases the chances of a click-through.
  • Offers an alternative: Banner ads can offer alternative options for products or services, which helps to expand user choice.
  • Brand Recall: Users who pay attention to banners remember the brand, which helps to increase awareness of it.


What is banner advertising?

Banner advertising is a form of online advertising that involves placing images or animated banners on websites to promote brands, products, or services.

What are the benefits of banner ads for advertisers?

Banner advertising has several advantages:

  • Maximum user reach.
  • Improve brand awareness.
  • Orientation on the target audience.
  • A large number of available advertising spaces.
  • Geotargeting.
  • Cost.
  • Visual appeal.
  • Contextual advertising.
  • Offers an alternative.
  • Brand memorization.

What types of banners are there?

Banners can be divided into the following types depending on the intended purpose:

  • Informational banners to announce updates and new services.
  • Brand or image banners to increase brand awareness.
  • Targeted or transactional banners aimed at inviting the target audience to take certain actions.

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