Arbitrage slang: Common terms every media buyer should know

Arbitrage slang: Common terms every media buyer should know

Arbitrage slang: Common terms that every media buyer should know

Due to the specific nature of the work and the frequent use of the same terms in certain areas of business, there is a need to simplify these terms. “Simplification” means making words more understandable or shortening complex phrases. The formation of individual slang does not bypass the field of traffic arbitrage. Media buyers, in many ways, are creative individuals, so their slang is very diverse. Let’s take a look at what all the key abbreviations in the world of arbitrage mean.

General terms of arbitrage slang

  1. Affiliate program, can be considered as a kind of contract between an advertiser and a webmaster (arbitrageur), which provides control over the fulfillment of obligations on both sides.
  2. An advertiser is a person or company that owns a certain product or service and is looking for ways to increase its sales.
  3. An arbitrageur is a person who specializes in attracting and driving traffic on the internet to generate revenue.
  4. A vertical is a specific category or niche of products or services within which advertising campaigns and offers can be focused.
  5. An offer is an offer created by an advertiser that usually contains information about a product or service, including its features and favorable terms. In the context of CPA marketing, an offer is a specific offer for which an advertiser is willing to pay a commission to an arbitrageur or CPA network. It can be a product, a service, a game, a subscription or an application for a certain service.
  6. A traffic source is a place from where users or visitors are attracted. This can include a variety of resources and platforms ranging from social media to specialized themed websites.
  7. Impressions are the number of times an ad is displayed online in front of users.
  8. Reach is the number of times our ad has been viewed by users. It should be noted that the same user can view an ad multiple times.
  9. Clickability (CTR) is the percentage between the number of people who saw the ad and those who clicked on it. It is a metric that reflects how attractive the ad was to viewers and how successfully they responded by clicking on it for more information or going to the advertiser’s website.
  10. Conversion Rate (CR) is the percentage between the number of people who clicked on the ad and those who completed the order or completed the targeted action suggested on the landing page or in the ad. This metric measures the effectiveness of the ad in attracting customers and then converting them into actual customers or buyers. Conversion is an important metric for evaluating the success of an ad campaign or strategy.
  11. APPROVE is the percentage of orders that were successfully confirmed and deemed valid after performing certain actions, such as clicking on an ad and making a deposit. This metric reflects the percentage of orders that were verified and met the terms of the ad campaign or offer. A high APPROVE indicates quality traffic and customers who are genuinely interested in the product or service.
  12. CPC (Cost Per Click) is the cost per click on an advertising link. This metric determines how much money an advertiser will pay each time a user clicks on their ad and follows the link. CPC is one way to pay for online advertising and can vary depending on keywords, ad relevancy and competition in the market.
  13. EPC (Earnings Per Click) is a metric that measures the revenue that an advertiser generates per click on their advertising link. It represents the average revenue that is generated for each click on an ad. EPC is calculated as the ratio of the total revenue generated from an advertising campaign to the total number of clicks. This indicator allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and determine how profitable the investment in advertising is.
  14. Cost Per Lead (CPL) is the amount an advertiser pays for each lead received. A lead is a potential customer who has completed a targeted action, such as registering or filling out a form.
  15. Pay per lead is the amount paid for a confirmed order in a CPA network.
  16. GEO – determining the location of users, offerers or traffic. This is an option when setting up ads, which indicates from which country users will see the ad.
  17. TA is an abbreviation for “target audience.” It represents the characterization of users by parameters such as location (GEO), gender, age, and other factors.
  18. RevShare is an abbreviation for “Revenue Share”, which stands for casino revenue. This revenue is calculated after deducting player payouts and payment processing fees.
  19. CPA stands for “Cost Per Action” or pay per action. In marketing, CPA is used to pay for specific user actions such as registration, first deposit or other conversions that the advertiser deems important.
  20. Adult is a generic name for adult-related products and websites, such as porn sites, webcam model sites, and adalts.
  21. Dating is a category of offers related to dating sites, where usually the action is registration, and sometimes performing certain actions after registration.
  22. Case in CPA context is a description of a sequence of specific actions that allowed the author of the case to get profit. Often such a case includes information about choosing a traffic source, creating advertising materials (creatives), using an affiliate program (AP), and representing an example of a successful strategy.
  23. Cloak is a software that allows users to replace pages not only during moderation but also during spinning. It also allows you to hide real pages from search engine robots, as well as collect new IP addresses with suspicious activity. Unlike using a tracker, cloaking allows you to keep the real page hidden from moderators for a longer period, which helps avoid account blocking.
  24. Cloaking is a method of deception in which the content of a page is different for users and search engine robots or moderators of traffic source advertisements. This technique is part of black-hat search engine optimization and allows you to show different content on the same page depending on who is viewing it.
  25. Conversion Rate (CTR, Conversion Rate) is a conversion rate that measures how many users took a targeted action on a page compared to the total number of visitors. This figure is expressed as a percentage and shows the effectiveness of the advertising material. For example, a conversion rate of 10% is considered very good, indicating a good user response to the advertisement.
  26. Creative is an advertising unit such as a teaser, banner, ad, or video that is used in an advertising campaign to attract attention and attract potential customers.
  27. A Landing Page is a one-page website that a user is taken to after clicking on an advertisement. Typically, a Landing Page provides information about a product or service, using marketing techniques such as promotional offers, limited-time promotions, expert testimonials, and other “triggers” to motivate the visitor to take a targeted action.
  28. A lead is a potential customer who has provided their contact information, such as email or phone number, and has expressed interest in a product or service. The challenge is to convert the lead into an actual sale or fulfillment of a targeted action, such as confirming an enrollment. To do this, call centers are often used to interact with the leads and help them take the desired action.
  29. Motivated traffic is a group of users who are given rewards for certain actions, such as registering or making a purchase. This type of traffic is often seen as unwanted and of low quality by advertisers, except in cases related to mobile app installs.

Arbitrage slang

  1. Auto-approve – a tool that automatically sends rejected ads for re-moderation, hoping for a better decision from another moderator.
  2. A white-labeled offerer is an offerer that is allowed to advertise in a specific traffic source. For example, in contextual advertising, original branded goods may be considered white offerers, while knockoffs would be considered gray or unacceptable.
  3. Black – a list that lists objects, persons, or entities that are considered undesirable or prohibited.
  4. Burjnet (Burge) is a slang term used to refer to the entire foreign internet and CPA industry (except CIS countries).
  5. White is a term that means “whitelist” or whitelist.
  6. Webs (webmasters) is an abbreviation for webmasters who can also be arbitrageurs.
  7. Gambling – Offers related to gambling, such as online casinos and poker rooms.
  8. Gambling is a niche CPA-offer that is related to promoting gaming apps, both mobile and desktop, in order to gain installs.
  9. Pour (drop) – to start a flow of traffic through your affiliate link to a specific offer. For example, if someone says “I’m pouring to watches”, it means they are directing a stream of visitors to a site where they can purchase watches.
  10. Pour on plus is to engage in traffic arbitrage with profit. If your profit from monetizing traffic exceeds the cost of attracting it, then you are on the “plus side”.
  11. To pour in zero is a situation in traffic arbitrage, when the profit from monetization of traffic is approximately equal to the costs of its attraction. In this case, the arbitrator does not make a profit but does not lose money.
  12. Cast in the minus (or in the dumpling shop) is a situation when an arbitrator in traffic arbitrage not only does not make a profit but also loses the funds spent on attracting traffic. This means that the costs exceed the returns, and the arbitrageur realizes that he or she is losing money in the process.
  13. Nutra is a broad vertical in the arbitrage world covering the topics of health, dietary supplements, weight loss products, skin care products, and some adult products such as male enhancers.
  14. An OWNER (Owner) is a person who owns or creates an affiliate network or online service.
  15. Stick (Paypal, Paypal) is a generic name for the largest electronic payment system, PayPal.
  16. PopUp and PopUnder – these are types of traffic associated with pop-ups (PopUp) and windows that open under the current browser window (PopUnder).
  17. Private – This term is typically used to refer to content, offerers, or information that is restricted to a limited number of individuals or select users. For example, in some affiliate program networks, there are private offers to which only certain arbitrageurs or webmasters are allowed to send traffic.
  18. Pushing an advertisement, ad or offer means successfully passing moderation despite the presence of prohibited content or offer. The term “cramming” is used because moderation can be quite strict, and arbitrageurs sometimes try to circumvent the rules and get their ad or offer placed despite the restrictions.
  19. A simple arbitrage bundle is a bundle that does not include a large number of components and may consist of no more than 4-5 elements such as an offer, creative, traffic source and a landing page.
  20. Profit – the income that is earned after all expenses and costs are deducted. It is the portion of money that remains as a result of a successful business or investment and can be used for various purposes.
  21. RTB (Real Time Bidding) is the purchase of real time traffic on an auction basis in an online environment. The main difference is that RTB targets a specific visitor compared to other methods.
  22. Dor (dorwei, dora, door) is a special Internet resource created to appear at the top of the search results. This site is optimized for certain search queries of users. When a user goes to such a “dorway”, he gets to a page with content related to the query he was looking for.
  23. A canonical URL is a page address that, by using the rel=canonical attribute in the HTTP header, indicates that it is the primary URL and all other addresses are considered duplicates, ensuring that the user goes to the primary page.
  24. Bid or bid is the highest amount an advertiser is willing to pay for a click on their ad. This bid is used in auction advertising systems such as Google Adwords, where the higher the bid, the greater the chances of getting clicks. However, it’s important to tailor the cost per click to the budget and goals of the ad campaign, rather than always making it the maximum.
  25. Ad is an acronym for advertiser, You can also use the synonym “advert” to refer to an advertiser.
  26. A referral link is the unique affiliate link that you can distribute to attract new members or customers to any program or affiliate system. When you use this link and sign up new users through it, you may receive commissions or other bonuses according to the terms and conditions of the affiliate program.
  27. A gray offer is an offer that does not pass moderation in the traffic source, i.e. does not meet the rules or requirements of this source. Such offers may be prohibited in certain advertising networks or on certain platforms, and their use may lead to blocking or rejection of advertising.
  28. Stats in arbitrage are data about the performance of an advertising campaign, such as impressions, clicks, conversions and revenue, used by the arbitrageur to analyze and optimize the campaign.
  29. Merchandise is an offer where the paid action is to order a product, such as a watch, purse, or gadgets. It also refers to the activity of advertisers selling a variety of tangible goods.

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