5 ways to boost the win rate

5 ways to boost the win rate

Today we will briefly familiarize ourselves with Win Rate, one of the most important metrics in the online advertising auction system.

What is Win Rate

5 ways to boost the win rate

Win Rate is an indicator that illustrates the percentage of winning bids or applications by an arbitrator in a competitive struggle at advertising auctions or in the traffic market.

A higher Win Rate means that the arbitrageur wins more often in ad auctions and gets more traffic according to their bidding strategy.

This metric is critically important for webmasters as it directly affects their profitability and the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. Win Rate is closely related to CTR – click-through rate.

What affects Win Rate

  • The size of the bid in an advertising campaign;
  • Number of active ads in the campaign;
  • Number of competing campaigns participating in the auction.

Win Rate is measured as a percentage. What is the optimal rate? There are no exact values, but we advise you to make sure that the Win Rate does not fall below 40%. Although this figure is conditional.

To fully understand the effectiveness of your campaign, you need to take into account other metrics as well.

Tips on how to increase Win Rate

Increase the CTR of creatives

One of the key methods to increase Win Rate is to maximize the CTR (Click-Through Rate) of creatives. This can be achieved by working on the quality of advertising materials.

The main aspects to consider:

  • Image relevance. Pictures should be relevant to the topic of your ad.
  • Quality of texts. It is important to avoid mistakes and provide a text that is understandable to the user.
  • Quality metric. On Facebook, each ad has a quality score (from 1 to 10) that helps you understand how well your content meets the expectations of your audience. This affects the CTR and, accordingly, the Win Rate.

Targeting optimization

Another reason for low CTR can be incorrect targeting. In addition, some ad campaigns need more time to achieve optimal performance, sometimes up to two to three weeks.

Additional steps to increase your Win Rate

  1. Increase your bid. This can improve the visibility of your ad.
  2. Analysis of display time. Check if your ads are not shown when your target audience is inactive. Optimize your display time by taking into account the periods of activity of your audience.
  3. Use of lists. Use black and white lists of traffic sources to effectively use your advertising budget. Whitelists are reliable sources that have proven their effectiveness. Blacklist – sources that have not met expectations.

Where can I find the Win Rate of my ad?

It depends on the traffic source. Win Rate can be found in Ads Manager, Google Ads, Google Analytics, etc.


In this article, we explained what win rate is, what factors influence this indicator, and how to improve it. We wish you successful campaigns and stable income!

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