5 most effective methods of scaling in traffic arbitrage

5 most effective methods of scaling in traffic arbitrage

5 most effective methods of scaling in traffic arbitrage

In the world of digital marketing, traffic arbitrage is becoming an increasingly popular and highly profitable method of making money. However, in order to achieve significant results, you need to understand how to scale your operations effectively. 

Scaling is not only about increasing your workload, but also about adapting your strategies to changing market conditions. In our article, we’ll look at the key aspects of scaling in traffic arbitrage, exploring methods and techniques that will help you scale your business and increase your profits. We’ll take an in-depth look at the basic principles of scaling, strategies for increasing traffic volume, and best practices and tools to effectively manage the growth of your business. No matter your level of experience in traffic arbitrage, our tips will help you take the next step to success and reach new heights in your online business.

An arbitrageur has a moment when everything seems to be in order: traffic is working steadily, effective bundles have been found, ROI is in order, and you can relax a bit. However, few people stop at what has been achieved. At this point, a new challenge arises: how to increase earnings and start scaling? This process opens up new opportunities for growth and development. In this article, we will look at different ways to scale, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. It is important to choose the one that is right for your situation.

Increase the amount of funding

5 most effective methods of scaling in traffic arbitrage

When you discover an effective bundle, you can increase your daily budget and invest more funds into it. This will lead to more impressions, bring in more leads, and increase approvals and payouts. 

The algorithm for expanding by increasing your budget is as follows: 

  • Run a split test to determine the most effective creatives. To do this, give them a spin for at least 3 hours;
  • Leave creatives with a CTR above 0.5 in operation;
  • Gradually increase bids on them and keep monitoring their results;
  • Disable all ineffective bundles that lead to excessive budget spending.

Important point! It should be taken into account that with this approach, a situation may arise when different creatives start competing for the same spot, which can lead to an increase in the cost of the campaign. To avoid such a development, you should disable non-performing ads.

Additional sources of traffic

5 most effective methods of scaling in traffic arbitrage

If you have an unpressed offerer that regularly brings income, there is an opportunity to significantly improve your performance by adding new sources of traffic. For example, if you have successfully used teaser ads, you can try adding traffic from contextual advertising or MyTarget. It is important to consider the suitability of an offerer for a particular source and its suitability for this type of traffic. 

For example, if you work with gray goods and add traffic from Facebook, you should not expect high profits, given that Facebook actively blocks even white offers. If you have any doubts as to what type of traffic is best for a particular offer, please contact OMNI managers who will assist you in choosing the best option.

New verticals and affiliate programs

5 most effective methods of scaling in traffic arbitrage

If you are already successfully promoting a white label product, you may have the idea to try your hand at niche nutra or some other vertical. The same goes for webmasters who have successfully launched weight loss affords in one affiliate network – they may be interested in similar offers in another network. 

This approach to scaling has its advantages. However, the main challenge becomes transitioning between different affiliate programs or changing verticals within the same network. This requires time, which is sorely lacking in the world of arbitrage. After all, while you are switching between programs or changing the niche, your current working bundle may become obsolete and the offerer may no longer be profitable.

Finding a new target audience

5 most effective methods of scaling in traffic arbitrage

This method can be applied when the product or service allows you to attract a new audience. For example, for offers related to potency enhancement, the target audience usually remains about the same. However, for products or services in the field of weight loss or selling home appliances, there is an opportunity to experiment with different audience groups.

For example, if we consider an offer for the sale of sporting goods that initially targets young people between the ages of 18 and 25, we can expand the audience by attracting people over 25 who are also interested in active lifestyles and fitness. Thus, by changing the target audience, we can expand the potential audience and increase the number of potential customers.

New GEOs

5 most effective methods of scaling in traffic arbitrage

An effective approach is to expand your geographic coverage by adding new countries and regions. If you choose this method, it is worth paying attention to the following steps:

  • Evaluate your resources and make sure they are sufficient to compete in your chosen markets.
  • If you don’t have enough experience, start with countries that are easier to arbitrage.
  • Make a list of additional resources you may need, such as a translator or designer.
  • Research trends and news relevance in the selected countries, as well as topics discussed by influential personalities. Tools such as Google Trends are useful for this.

Each country is different, so it’s important to test creatives and analyze the results. Only then should the best options be scaled with an increased budget.


It is important to understand that the choice of scaling method in traffic arbitrage depends on many factors, such as your budget, goals, traffic types, etc. Some prefer vertical scaling, increasing the volume of work within existing markets or audiences, while others prefer to scale horizontally, expanding their operations into new markets or using new traffic channels.

Ultimately, success in scaling traffic arbitrage depends on your ability to adapt to market changes, strategic thinking, and the ability to make informed decisions. And remember that every step in scaling opens up new opportunities to grow your business and reach new heights in traffic arbitrage.

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