Triumphant result in Austria - ROI 120.69%

Triumphant result in Austria - ROI 120.69%
  • Vertical:Gambling
  • Affiliate program: One Partners
  • Traffic source:Facebook
  • Geo:Austria
  • Upload date: 01.05-31.05.2024
  • Budget: $8682
  • Received: $19160
  • Profit: $10478
  • ROI: 120,69%

Feel what reliability is like by testing an offer for Austria – write to One Partners managers

The Austrian online casino model has significant advantages. Players have a high level of protection against gambling addiction, through the introduction of programmes to support responsible gaming. And Austria’s high standard of living and overall political stability in the region contributed to the campaign’s overall top-line result.

The One Partners team considered the risks of the intricacies of the country’s legislation and decided to take a risk. The efforts made were not in vain:

Case statistics:

Triumphant result in Austria - ROI 120.69%

Choice of geo:

Austria has given the world great composers, artists and musicians. But this country is known not only for its military neutrality and beautiful architecture, but also for its stable economy, which is a fertile ground for the online casino market. 

The One Partners team thoroughly analysed Austria for their advertising campaign and agreed that it is actually an unexplored, gold mine.

In Austria, online casinos are regulated by the state. The main advantages of the Austrian model are the safety and protection of players, as well as the stability of the market.

Traffic source:

For the Austria campaign, Facebook was the main source of traffic. The One Partners team fine-tuned the ad campaign, focusing on users of Android devices version 12 and above.

Creative selection process:

Austria has an incredible number of national symbols – Mozart, speciality chocolate, dizzying mountain scenery and ancient castles. One Partners explored the country’s culture. But the most important thing that attracted leads and increased conversions was the colourful creatives with the withdrawal of money by the girl who received it thanks to the games. 


Can’t find a good creative? Contact One Partners!

How did we set up our ad campaigns?

When the launch of advertising campaigns across Austria took place, One Partners took on apps from WWA. Facebook was chosen as the main platform, targeting Android 12+ devices. The target audience consisted of men and women between the ages of 25 and 62, with a distribution of 40 per cent women and 60 per cent men.

The main parameters of ad campaign:

  • Paid Target: FTD
  • Target audience: 25-62 years old, 40% women and 60% men
  • Minimum deposit: CH, DE, AT, BE – 10 EUR, PL – 25 PLN


  • Newsletters
  • Inactive traffic (no bets or re-deposits)
  • Post-test traffic that does not fulfil the KPIs of the offer
  • Multi-accounts, test conversions, fraud, existing accounts (duplicates)
  • Players with invalid registration data


The ad campaign for Austria showed a balanced ROI of 120.69%. As you can see yourself – it is possible to make top results in every country, the main thing is to know the approach to each of them and analyse everything before launching. One Partners is ready to help with this) Join the best!

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