ROI of 117% or how this year's spring became too hot in India

ROI of 117% or how this year's spring became too hot in India
  • Vertical:Gambling
  • Affiliate program: One Partners
  • Traffic source:Facebook
  • Geo:India
  • Upload date: 15.04-15.05.2024
  • Budget: $5561
  • Received: $12 075
  • Profit: $6514
  • ROI: 117,14%

Media buyers have a mixed attitude towards India: some do not accept this geo in principle, while others literally cannot get out of it. Here is a recent case from One Partners on the gambling offers of Zetto Casino

Case statistics:

ROI of 117% or how this year's spring became too hot in India

Choice of GEO:

The size of the target audience in India is one billion people. And after that, you can drop everything and run to India. Offers from different verticals – gambling, dating, nutra, and betting – can enter the country with great success. Indians are willing to spend their rupees on various offers, the main thing is to guess which one will interest them. 

When creating, it is very important to choose the language used in the target region. And it doesn’t have to be Hindi. In general, localisation of an offer requires some effort, but it is worth it many times over.

Traffic source:

One Partners team chose Facebook because, according to the research, it has a much larger market share than other social platforms, with 72.48% of total traffic, while Instagram has 18.81%, YouTube – 6.05%, and Twitter – 1.11%. Therefore, since Facebook has the largest user base, the team could reach a much larger number of people compared to other platforms.

If you are interested in Facebook offers for India, find out the details here)

Creative selection process:

What should creativity look like for India?

We remember that the gap between poverty and wealth in the country is huge. Indians know how the rich live – at least from the cinema, so it is important to demonstrate the lifestyle that everyone wants to live.

Of course, under such conditions, the main reason to play in a casino is the desire to win. Therefore, the creos should be appropriate – with the promise of jackpots and enrichment. 

People in nice clothes, with jewellery and watches, with money and beautiful young women are an eye-catcher and a good backdrop for advertising. 

One Partners makes creatives to order, so all you have to do is register!

How did we set up the advertising campaigns?

The traditional choice of apps is WWA partners, with whom One Partners has been cooperating for a long time. Placement: Facebook on Android 12+. As for the target audience, the team focused on a wide male audience aged 25 and older.

And a few more things that might interest you in this case.

  • Paid target: FTD
  • Payout: $25
  • Minimum deposit: 500 INR 
  • KPI: Active traffic, no fraud, 20% redeposits


  • Motivated traffic;
  • Specify the amount of the minimum deposit in creatives;
  • Multi-accounts, fraud and chargebacks.


Having invested $5561 in the campaign, we received more than twice as much profit – $12,075. The net profit was $6514, and the ROI was 117.14%. How can you have the same ROI?

India has once again lived up to its name. You can bring a little or a lot of money there, but if you put in the effort, the result will be equally great and proportionate to your investment.

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