At the beginning of 2025, in terms of number of active users, the most popular products in the market are (in alphabetical order): ChatGPT, Copilot, DALLE 3,, Gemini, Kandinsky, LogoAI, Loudly, MidJourney, NeuralNude, Stable Diffusion. Probably you, too, who are reading this article, are already using one or more of them.
When paying for neural networks, users face a number of challenges:
Most neural network platforms accept standard bank cards (Visa, MasterCard). However, when using personal cards, sometimes there may be restrictions related to currency transactions or online payments. Also, the restriction of Russian cards (MIR, issued before 2022 Visa and MasterCard) creates additional difficulties. They are not accepted for payment by international online services.
It is possible, of course, to go to Belarus or Kazakhstan and there to issue a foreign bank card, but the procedure for opening an account will cost a minimum of 8000-10000 rubles. Not to mention the logistical costs, because banks open accounts only in the personal presence of the applicant with a passport.
Services such as PayPal, Skrill or WebMoney provide an alternative to bank cards. However, commissions are usually higher when using e-wallets.
Virtual cards are the most convenient and flexible way to pay: they provide a high level of security, the ability to quickly replenish the balance and control costs. But, many such services were “written on the knee” and often work unstably. Most of them charge high commissions, often produce technical errors and can block users from Russia.
As you can see, paying for neural networks is not such a simple matter. So how can you save money, nerves and time when buying subscriptions to your favorite neuronet?
FlexCardis a robust virtual card service. The product is in the market since June 2022 and has more than 26 thousand satisfied registered users. Here are its key benefits:
Minimum deposit of $50 and card issuance from $2.
When withdrawing funds from the card, the commission is refunded in the corresponding percentage of the withdrawal amount.
Commission on replenishment – from 3%, and with an increase in turnover it can be reduced.
No hidden commissions.
Our own Setup Support is always on call and ready to help with actual launches.
You get 30% for each referral from the service income.
When you sign up, mention promo code AI to support and get 10 cards for free.
The minimum deposit amount is only $50.
Pay for neural network services quickly and conveniently.
Selecting the right payment method is an important step to effectively utilize neural networks. FlexCardoffers unique terms that provide convenience, transparency, and financial benefit. Whether you are a professional arbitrageur or just starting to use AI, FlexCardwill be your reliable partner.
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