What will interest the country's audience, which verticals to choose and which offers to promote

What will interest the country's audience, which verticals to choose and which offers to promote

Poland is one of the most popular geos for gambling and gaming.

This country has a special character that differs from the rest of Central and Western Europe. Poland is much more conservative and religious than, say, Germany, France, or even Italy. English is also not as widespread here as in neighboring countries. Most Poles prefer their native language, so it’s better to use Polish for creatives, landing pages, and apps. It is also important to take into account cultural differences: unlike campaigns for Western European countries, creatives with images of local people work better on Geo Poland.

Let’s take a closer look at this geo below.

General information about GEO

Poland is a country with one of the fastest growing economies in Europe and one of the lowest unemployment rates. However, the purchasing power of Poles varies greatly: in the capital, it is significantly higher than the European average, while in most other provinces this figure is much lower. Therefore, when planning campaigns, you should primarily focus on Warsaw.

Salary level in Poland as of the end of 2023: 1000 dollars is about 4000 zlotys.

  • Currency: zloty (Polish zloty);
  • Domain: .pl
  • Time zone: UTC+1, in summer UTC+2;
  • Active Internet users: 31.97 million (approximately 85% of the population);
  • Active social media users: 27 million (approximately 71% of the population);
  • Operating systems of phones: iOS – 28%, Android – 72%;
  • Mobile operators: Orange, Play, Plus, T-Mobile;
  • Popular payment systems: BLIK, Przelewy24, PayU, Dotpay;
  • Popular social networks and messengers: Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, WhatsApp, TikTok

The main traffic channel in Poland is Facebook, although Google and TikTok also have large reach.

How are the health conditions of Poles?

According to the WHO, Poles face serious problems due to obesity, diabetes, and related heart and vascular diseases. There is also a growing demand for products to rejuvenate and support joints, as the number of elderly people in Poland is constantly increasing.

This is why intra-offers on health and beauty topics are very popular here. They are promoted using proven methods: what worked in 2017-2018 still works today. Let’s take a look at the most popular gut feelings on Facebook right now.

The standard approaches work in the topic of weight loss – fast weight loss, cleansing the body, up to 15 kg per month, removing the stomach.

What will interest the country's audience, which verticals to choose and which offers to promote

The promises used for rejuvenation are such as “wrinkles will disappear”, “smooth and elastic skin in 28 days”, “therapeutic effect and rejuvenation”, etc.

What will interest the country's audience, which verticals to choose and which offers to promote

In proposals for blood pressure and blood vessels, we often see familiar formulas: “Cardiologists recommend”, “I have a prescription blood pressure remedy”, “Get rid of headaches and heartaches forever” and so on.

What will interest the country's audience, which verticals to choose and which offers to promote

The situation is similar with products for joints. First, they briefly describe the problem with the joints, and then offer a special complex to solve it. Or they tell you about the product and its effects on the joints right away.

What will interest the country's audience, which verticals to choose and which offers to promote

Lately, you can see that fan pages are often stylized as a doctor, fitness trainer, nutritionist, or rejuvenation expert. This approach increases trust not only among users, but also in the eyes of Facebook algorithms.

Poland and gambling

In Poland, online casinos and sports betting are officially banned, as the market is monopolized by the state totalizator (Totalizator Sportowy). The state restricts the operation of casinos so that local residents use only the official sports betting service.

Despite the ban, gambling offers for Poland exist. There are a lot of them, and they offer creatives, landing pages, and applications specially adapted for this geo.

For creatives focused on Poland, all the same methods are used as for other Tier-2 geos: bonuses, free spins, “deposit 1 zloty – earn 15 thousand”, etc.

Do you know why Poland is a cool geo? If you run ads for Poland from an account registered in this country, Facebook algorithms treat you with more trust.


As you can see, Poland is a great geo for arbitrage. The main thing is that the country’s economy is developing steadily, and the mentality of its residents is generally more understandable than that of the US or Western Europe. Traffic here is not very expensive and converts well. And most importantly, the approaches and creatives for Poland have not changed for several years, so it is enough to update the old creatives a little bit, and you can fill up again.

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