How to choose a suitable source of traffic for an offer

How to choose a suitable source of traffic for an offer

Choosing the right traffic source for your offer is one of the key steps in successful traffic arbitrage. Each traffic source has its own characteristics, audience, and ad formats, so it is important to carefully analyze and choose the sources that best suit your offer. In this article, we’ll go over the main steps and factors to consider when choosing the right traffic source for your offer.

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Study your offer

The first step is to fully study your offer. Understanding its features, target audience, geographic location, and type of action (e.g., selling a product, filling out a form, installing an app, etc.) will help you determine which traffic sources can be the most effective.

Analyze the characteristics of traffic sources

Each traffic source has its own unique characteristics and benefits. For example, social networks such as Facebook and Instagram can be a good choice for offers that require engaging young users and target audiences. Teaser networks may be suitable for offers with a high demand for information or news headlines. Search advertising, such as Google Ads, can be effective for offers with an explicit commercial request.

Consider the budget and ROI

Your budget and expected ROI should also be taken into account when choosing a traffic source. Some sources may be more expensive but bring in higher quality traffic and a higher ROI, while others may be more affordable but have a less targeted audience and therefore a lower ROI.

Testing and optimization

Test different traffic sources to determine which ones best suit your offer. Start with small test campaigns and analyze their results to determine the most effective sources. After that, optimize your campaigns based on the data and test results.

Monitoring and analytics

It’s important to closely monitor the performance of each traffic source using analytics tools. View key metrics like conversion rate, cost per conversion, and ROI and analyze the data regularly to make informed decisions about optimizing your campaigns.


Choosing the right traffic source for your offer plays a crucial role in the success of your arbitrage campaign. Conduct a thorough analysis of the offer, traffic source characteristics, budget, and ROI, conduct testing and optimization, and use analytics data to make informed decisions. By following these steps, you will be able to choose the best traffic source for your offer and succeed in traffic arbitrage.

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