ROI of 121% on crypto? Revealing the secret of a successful faucet for Eastern Europe

ROI of 121% on crypto? Revealing the secret of a successful faucet for Eastern Europe

Wondering how to achieve 121% ROI on crypto faucets? In this case study, we will reveal the strategies of a new format that gave exactly such results in Eastern Europe.

The bourgeois advertiser offered a completely new format of crypto offers that really attracted the attention of many. Let’s analyze what steps and tools helped to reach such a level of profit and why this approach can change your view of crypto marketing in the region.

The main details of the case: offer and geo

  • Offer: Bitcoin New;
  • Geo: CZ (Czech Republic);
  • Source: Facebook;
  • Funnel: Dominator;
  • Cost: $1835;
  • Profit: $4060;
  • ROI: 121%.

Let’s go through the main points: we chose the Czech Republic for the test, set up ads with creatives and materials from the affiliate program. The entire campaign is aimed at men aged 35+. At the end of the landing page, we added a gamification element – the wheel of fortune.

How we worked with landing pages: we took the landing pages from the affiliate program, only slightly edited them to reduce the number of fields in the order form. Otherwise, we left almost everything as it was: the “blog” told the story of an ordinary worker who went through the “before and after” of investing in crypto.

The main advantage is the low price of the landing page paid by the user: only 70-100 euros. This significantly increased the number of conversions and reduced the price per lead. The landing page looked like this:

About creatives: what we tested, what variants we launched

We decided to make our own MP4 creative and at the same time check how the video approach and static creatives from the affiliate’s personal account would work. As it turned out, they showed a great CTR and, which was a pleasant surprise, did not attract the attention of Facebook for banning accounts.

In the creatives, we used the already proven “lifestyle” strategy: we showed pensioners who embody carefree old age with high passive income; ordinary workers who decided to take care of a comfortable retirement; as well as happy men and women in expensive cars or with large wads of money in their hands.

ROI of 121% on crypto? Revealing the secret of a successful faucet for Eastern Europe

ROI of 121% on crypto? Revealing the secret of a successful faucet for Eastern Europe

Stages of the pour

During the launch, we used the standard “1-5-1” scheme for each creative: we set it up for a wide audience, autoplay. At first, things were not going well with getting an upsell, and the conversion rate was limping, so we contacted a manager, quickly got our bearings, and got a guarantee for the upsell. This allowed us to keep traffic and not stop the advertising campaign.

Thanks to this, Facebook was able to learn from a large amount of data and began to find a more relevant audience – now the organic uplift is about 35-45%, which even exceeds the promised guarantee.

We immediately directed traffic to the link from the affiliate program with a double redirect: one through the PP, the other from the tracker. However, it is better to post the landing page locally: the conversion rate is higher and triggers in FB are less frequent.

The rest is classic: create a white, set up a stream in Keitaro, get a link, and return to AdsManager on Facebook.

When choosing a target action, we always specify “leads”. Upload creatives, insert links, and you’re ready to send them for moderation. And here’s what we managed to get from the Czech Republic leads. Initially, the price of a lead in the Czech Republic was constantly fluctuating – geo is expensive, and there was no stable cost per lead at the beginning of the tests. We managed to stabilize the results only after draining about 50 conversions.

Later, the price of a lead stabilized at $7-8. With a payout of $60 and a 35% upsell, the final ROI after a month of merging was a solid 121%:

Result of ROI: ROI = (4060-1835):1835×100 = 121%

Thus, this case study shows that a properly customized strategy and localized creatives can yield great results even in a complex market like Eastern Europe. From competent ad customization to careful selection of creatives and landing pages, each stage contributed to the final ROI of 121%. This experience confirms that adaptation to the specifics of the market and precise audience customization are crucial to achieving high performance.

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