Advertising on Telegram channels: an algorithm for creating successful creatives

Advertising on Telegram channels: an algorithm for creating successful creatives

Planning to run ads on Telegram? First, check out our guide and then feel free to launch ad campaigns that will convert well!

The first step: analyzing ads on Telegram

At the beginning of the development of your own Telegram channel, the question arises: “How to create a high-quality advertising post?” There are two options: order it or make it yourself. For beginners, it is worth starting with writing advertising posts on your own – this will help you better understand the specifics of channel promotion.

Fact: 70% of the success of a Telegram channel depends on a high-quality advertising post that attracts new subscribers.

How to evaluate the quality of an ad post?

There is such a metric and it is simple – cost per follower. The lower the cost, the more effective the post. To calculate it, divide the cost of posting by the number of new subscribers who came through this ad (track the number within 24 hours after posting).

Before buying ads, you should analyze channels of similar topics using analytical services. This will help you understand what kind of ads other channels use, but don’t forget about your own style.

Warning: Do not copy other people’s advertising posts. This can negatively affect your reputation among other Telegram administrators.

Analyze posts on 10-15 channels in your topic. Study examples of visuals, headlines, formats, and calls to action. The main thing is to choose active channels that regularly buy ads on Telegram.

Direct vs. byte ads

There are two types of ads on Telegram:

  1. Direct post – a short description of the channel with a link. As a rule, a subscriber from such a post is more expensive, but the quality of the audience is higher, and unsubscribes are less frequent.
  2. Byte post – aimed at maximizing the reader’s interest, which stimulates the transition to get more information. Here, subscribers are usually cheaper, but the unsubscribe rate may be higher.

An example of an ad post structure

How to build an effective ad post? Here’s a step-by-step checklist:

  • Headline: it should attract attention.
  • Body: briefly tell about the channel without overloading the description.
  • Style: use formatting to highlight important details.
  • Emojis: add only where they look organic.
  • Links: do not overload the text with them.
  • Call to action: end the post with a call to subscribe.
  • Button: create an original callout below the post to further motivate the user to subscribe to the channel.

Follow these steps and your promotional posts will effectively engage and retain your target audience on your channel. Good luck!

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