PWA in traffic arbitrage

PWA in traffic arbitrage

Common WebView applications (Android, iOS) for traffic flow regularly face problems: pages introduce new restrictions, ban members, warn users about the “unreliability of the source”… In general, they use a variety of ways to spoil the life of the web.

In this regard, the rise in popularity of PWA applications is not surprising. Being the most popular in the iGaming vertical, they are also proving to be good in other areas, and more and more arbitrageurs and affiliates prefer to deal with them. But why?

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Who are these PWA apps?

In short, any PWA app is a regular website that pretends to be an app. To the user, it looks like an appliance; in fact, it’s a web page that opens in a separate tab from the browser – again, to create the most believable illusion of an application.

In order not to arouse suspicion among users, an exact copy of the App Store or Play Market is created for downloading PWA apps.

Pros, cons, but mostly pros

There are many reasons to use PWA apps for traffic arbitrage: this approach has significant advantages over “classic” apps and pre-loaded links, and its disadvantages are not so significant. Let’s see for ourselves.


  • The presence of push notifications
  • Full customization of all aspects
  • Promotion on any sources
  • SEO promotion opportunity
  • No moderation (restrictions on creos, bans)
  • No need for updates and development
  • Small size and instant installation
  • “Eternal life” with minimal effort


  • Purchase and setup of Safe Page and Black Page
  • No access to UAC and InApp traffic
  • Lower conversion rate than WebView app

As you can see, PWA applications have a huge number of advantages with a very modest list of disadvantages, which explains their popularity.

How to make a good PWA app?

The answer to this question consists of two parts. First of all, you need to understand the general requirements for a successful application of this format – and also know where to get it from. But first things first.

PWA app should have:

  • Adaptive – works on any device and browser, with any additional accessories (mice, styluses, etc.);
  • Autonomous – not affected by browser settings and can work offline;
  • Functional – it is installed, does not slow down, requests access to the necessary functions;
  • Optimized – searched in search engines, has an up-to-date code base and is customized for easy use.

Where to get PWA applications:

  • Develop from scratch – either on your own or through a freelancer, this method requires coding skills or investment;
  • Buy or rent – you can always rent or buy a ready-made PWA solution from suppliers;
  • Build in the constructor – even without knowledge of the code, you can build your application in a special service;
  • Request in an affiliate program – some affiliate programs provide their webmasters with PWA applications. And our friends from Traffic Light and Ace Partners not only create any PWAs for free on request, but also promptly replace them in case of problems. We recommend it!

Due to the constant tightening of requirements and rules in mobile desks, PWA desks are gaining popularity among arbitrage specialists. Due to their ease of use and wide range of advantages, they are destined for further success, and we recommend you to consider them, especially if you are a betting player in iGaming.

And with FlexCard, you can easily and quickly pay not only for the purchase of PWA applications, but also for everything you need to drive traffic – from working tools to advertising campaigns. Choose your new virtual card by clicking hereand enjoy the benefits of FlexCard! 💚

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