PWA apps and gambling: ROI categories and how to boost it?

PWA apps and gambling: ROI categories and how to boost it?

Many experienced webmasters have long understood the trick of driving traffic through PWA applications, because it is really easier to keep in touch with users – to send push notifications about all kinds of promotions and bonuses and bring players back. However, not all buyers know exactly what ROI can be considered normal in a gambling theme with PWA.

And because of this, some may not be able to make a profit and remain in the red, disappointed in progressive applications.

To help you understand, we decided to answer the following important questions:

  • Why is it easier to get a good ROI with PWA?
  • What ROI indicators in gambling are considered normal for a profit?
  • How to increase ROI when depositing to gambling offers via PWA?

Typical ROI when working with gambling traffic through PWA

We have analyzed a lot of cases and practical examples of advertising campaigns to find out what ROI values are most common. We will divide the results into three categories:

  • ROI up to 30%. If the metric is at this level, it is a clear signal that something went wrong. Perhaps the targeting was set up incorrectly, or the design turned out to be boring and inconvenient for users. Even small things like a bad registration form can affect the result.
  • ROI in the range of 30-70%. This is a decent start. This means that the PWA app has attracted the attention of users, but there is always room for improvement. For example, you can test a new offer, add player feedback, or change creatives. PWA offers don’t require publishing to stacks, so you can make changes without stopping the campaign.
  • ROI of 70% and above. This is what you should strive for. Such a high result is achieved by those who think through not only the design of the app and traffic management, but also add push notifications with promotions and bonuses. You can also try to segment the audience by devices – iOS and Android, because the cost of driving traffic to these platforms is different, and this can increase ROI.

Let’s analyze how you can increase ROI when working with PWA for gambling.

How to increase ROI when working with PWA and gambling traffic

To increase the return on investment when using PWA in gambling, it is important to build several key components: targeting, funnel, analytics, and push notifications. Let us consider each element separately.

  • Targeting. The first thing to start with is to study the audience. It is important to understand who is interested in gambling in the chosen geo-location. Usually, these are young men aged 21-24 with a stable income and a desire to increase it. However, you should not rely on general statistics only. It is better to focus on the data of advertising platforms or affiliate programs to ensure the attraction of higher quality traffic and achieve KPIs.
  • Funnel. In arbitrage, it is important to understand who your players are, where they come from, and what they want to get. This is the basis for building a sales funnel. You need to constantly test new app options, creatives, and approaches. Even small details, such as inconvenient casino registration, can reduce conversion and, as a result, reduce ROI.
  • Analytics. To analyze traffic effectively, you can use tools such as pixel. Its setup is simple, and all data can be tracked directly in your personal account. This allows you to distribute traffic to different applications with different interfaces to find the most converting option.
  • Push Notification. Many users download an app but forget about it after a while. In order not to lose such players, send them periodic notifications with reminders about their favorite slots or roulette games. With this approach, experienced webmasters keep ROI at 100% and higher.


PWA applications are suitable for increasing ROI for both beginners and professionals in arbitrage. Due to its small size, independence from app stores, and easy setup, this tool is becoming more and more convenient to use, and investments pay off faster and more profitable.

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