Parsing Telegram channels — 7 bots for parsing

Parsing Telegram channels — 7 bots for parsing

Parsing Telegram channels – 8 bots for parsing

Telegram has about 700 million monthly active users and more than 300 thousand different channels. In total, the audience of channels reaches 1.7 billion subscribers. This is due to the fact that users often subscribe to many channels and chats at the same time. In order to effectively find the target audience and optimal channels for advertising, creating newsletters or attracting subscribers to your group, specialized Telegram parsing services are used.

What are parsers of Telegram channels and chats?

Parsing Telegram channels — 7 bots for parsing

A parser is software designed for automated data collection according to certain criteria. It transforms the collected information into an easy-to-analyze format. In the context of Telegram, parsers are used to extract data from chats, channels, subscriber lists and publications. These tools allow you to efficiently find and organize information about your target audience according to specified parameters.

The data obtained through parsing becomes the key to successful planning of marketing strategies. For example, thanks to the list of contacts collected by the parser, it is possible to carry out targeted mailings of promotional materials.

Applications of parsing include:

  • Creating newsletters;
  • Inviting users (inviting);
  • Segmentation of databases;
  • Searching for and attracting new subscribers;
  • Analyzing potential sites for advertising placement;
  • Collecting contacts of channel and chat administrators for cooperation;
  • Archiving large arrays of information;
  • Automatically filling your own channels with content, if the content grabbing function is used.

Parsers make monotonous tasks much easier by automating the process of searching for users and sending messages. Otherwise, without such a tool, you would have to do it all manually. Telegram sets limits on the number of private messages sent, especially if they contain the same type of text or links. In cases where the messenger detects suspicious activity, it can suspend the account.

However, parsers offer more than just data collection. Among their functionality are additional convenient features, such as filtering the audience by activity level. Sending invitations to a channel to people who haven’t logged into Telegram for a long time doesn’t make sense. That’s why parsers are able to filter and compile a list of users who are regularly online, thus increasing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Varieties of parsing tools for Telegram

Parsing Telegram channels — 7 bots for parsing

Parsers in Telegram are able to analyze data by different categories:

  • Telegram channels. With the help of such tools, you can find channels on topics of interest, study the activities of competitors and determine the most suitable platforms for placing advertising materials.
  • Chats and groups. These parsers help you identify where your target audience is concentrated by providing information about the most suitable groups and chats for advertising.
  • Users and contacts. Such tools are necessary for analyzing the audiences of different chat rooms and identifying overlaps between them. This allows, for example, to determine whether advertising in a certain chat room will be effective if there are already known subscribers there.

According to the method of operation, parsers can be classified into:

  • Online services, which are accessed through a browser. To get started, it is enough to specify a link to the chat room of interest.
  • Programs and scripts installed directly on the user’s computer.
  • Bots, which are the most modern type of AI-based parsers. They are capable of performing a wide range of tasks: from creating information databases to dialogs with users.

Each type of parser has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, bots can be customized to perform specific actions, while online services can process several tasks simultaneously, even when the computer is turned off. Working with desktop applications requires constant access to the PC and attention to program updates for correct operation and avoiding system hangs under high load.

How to choose a suitable service for parsing from Telegram channels

Parsing Telegram channels — 7 bots for parsing

When choosing a tool, it is important to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Functionality – the tool’s ability to solve your specific problems;
  • Reputation of the software manufacturer, user feedback;
  • Regularity of updates and reliability of the program;
  • Price of the services offered.

Most services that provide a wide range of useful data are fee-based. Subscription options usually include temporary access for a certain period of time or provide unlimited use.

Many services offer a trial or demo period, allowing you to evaluate functionality and make an informed purchasing decision. To avoid unnecessary spending, it is critical to determine in advance what type of data you need: it can be information about content, users or their activity.

Sometimes a free bot is enough to gather basic information. However, it is worth remembering that free tools are often developed by enthusiasts for personal projects and may not be updated. This means that the bot may suddenly stop functioning. If the task is successful, you may need to find another solution in the future.

How to sparse data when no suitable tool is found

When existing tools do not meet all the requirements, it is recommended to contact qualified developers on specialized freelancer platforms or professional forums.

Programmers can write a unique parser using programming languages such as PHP or Python, keeping in mind that the efficiency and available features of the parser will depend on the limitations of the Telegram API. It is important to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the technical documentation before starting development.

An alternative way to get information from Telegram groups and chats, without buying a ready-made parser, is to hire freelancers who provide data parsing services.

How to use a Telegram data parsing service

Parsing Telegram channels — 7 bots for parsing

To start working with the parsing service in Telegram, you need to go through the registration process and pay for the selected service. After that, the user is given access to the personal cabinet, where it is necessary to select the appropriate module to perform their task. After configuring the parameters, the data collection process is launched, after which the results can be downloaded in a convenient format, such as excel, csv, etc.

Depending on the selected settings and service capabilities, the parser can provide a variety of data, including:

  • list of chat rooms filtered by geography;
  • contact information of administrators;
  • list of recently active users.

To use a bot for parsing, you just need to subscribe to it and follow further instructions from the menu. Usually, the user is offered to select the necessary function, specify the data to be parsed, then wait for the end of the process and download the results.

How a Telegram channel parser can help in arbitrage

In Telegram, it is possible to conduct arbitrage in various areas, including such lucrative segments as gambling, betting, daiting and adalt. Let’s take, for example, a situation when an arbitrageur aims to promote casino offers using circuit traffic:

  • You should start by creating and designing a specialized channel to attract an audience, including a description mentioning casino wagering schemes.
  • The channel should get an attractive logo and contain a shortened affiliate link for the convenience of subscribers.
  • This is followed by the publication of several posts containing winning schemes, live examples with the emotions of the participants, as well as testimonials confirming the effectiveness of the techniques.

After preparing the channel there comes the moment of using a parser to collect the target audience interested in gaming topics, followed by filtering out inactive users and bots. The next stage is to launch the mailing, adhering to the limit of 45 messages per day in order to minimize the risk of blocking.

The inviting function of the parser will allow you to send invitations to potential subscribers active in casino-themed chats. According to statistics, about 3,000 people out of 10,000 invited are expected to join. Thus, the parser becomes an effective tool for earning money, and even if you have to pay for its use, the costs will quickly pay off after the first advertising campaigns.

7 bots for parsing


This service is a powerful collection of 90 different parsers, including tools for working with Telegram, such as GroupScraper. This parser is capable of collecting information about all kinds of chat messages, be it text, video or images. Users can also get information about the creator of the message, including their name, profile and avatar. The settings provide various filters, such as keywords in posts or post number to start collecting data.

Thanks to multi-threading support, the parser provides high speed data processing. The collected results can be exported in csv and JSON formats. A-parser offers users a 6-hour free trial and paid access for $279.


This parser is designed to collect information about channel subscribers and is able to work with both open and closed groups. It can be used to determine the time of a user’s last visit. The service allows you to create a contact database that can be exported in txt or excel formats. The tool’s arsenal includes functions for sending invitations, conducting mass mailings and a built-in tool for selecting synonyms.

Telegram Soft

This service provides the ability to collect, organize contact data, check the presence of a phone number in Telegram and filter users by their activity. With its help, you can carry out mass mailings, attracting active users to the group and excluding bots. The service is also capable of analyzing closed groups and chats, with the ability to export lists in txt format.

The parser functionality includes an automatic responder for round-the-clock interaction with clients, as well as tools for inviting users, increasing the number of views and subscriptions. A 14-day free test period is provided.

Despite the high evaluation of the service in various reviews and ratings, there are reviews from users indicating problems in its work and insufficiently correct service from the support side. It is important to conduct a thorough analysis and pay attention to the fact that at the moment there are three different services under the common name “Telegram Soft”, with the largest number of complaints falling on the service located on the .org domain.


This tool allows you to extract user data from channels, including activity, name, login, status and language of use. Able to distinguish between real users and automated bots. However, the use of the parser is limited to the channels and chats you manage.

The parser’s arsenal of features includes options for mass mailings, exporting contacts to a table, organizing invitations to groups, increasing the number of content views, and creating accounts through various proxies. Three pricing plans are offered, and a free demo version is available for familiarization.

Reviews of the service are divided: some users praise it for the accuracy and efficiency of parsing, while others point to stability problems and the risk of getting accounts blocked.


This free bot is able to analyze links, user IDs and their posts, saving the collected data in csv format. It has an IPO module feature that allows you to customize audience redirection directly to your channel.


This bot is designed to extract information about users from both closed and open Telegram groups. To activate the process, you need to specify the group ID and set search criteria, such as activity level and status of participants. As a result, the bot will generate and provide a list of participants matching the selected conditions. The process of analyzing a group usually takes two to three minutes. For detailed information about additional features of the bot, please contact the support team.


This bot is designed to collect information about subscribers of public groups in Telegram, and the price for its use is formed depending on the size of the analyzed group.

The bot’s functionality includes various parsing modes, including an option for express analysis of small chat rooms with up to 10,000 participants. The bot’s results are saved in txt format, including information about users and their contact numbers. Users can customize filters to sort data by activity, message creators, and search for comments using keywords. Additional features of the bot include the ability to merge subscriber lists and export comments.

Downsides of using data parsing

Parsing tools are often used for inviting, sending spam and various mailings, to which Telegram has a very negative attitude. If a user marks a received message as spam, the messenger’s moderation may block the sender’s account.

One way to get around this problem is to use multiple accounts, register them and prepare them for active work. In the context of traffic arbitrage, any delays are unacceptable as they lead to loss of income. Deploying a network of accounts makes it possible to continue the activity of attracting traffic from comments and chats even after one of the accounts is blocked for spamming, switching to the use of another account.


Using parsers in Telegram for traffic arbitrage is a strategy with high potential and certain risks. On the one hand, parsers collect valuable data for targeted marketing campaigns, increasing their efficiency. On the other hand, there is a risk of accounts being blocked for spamming and violating platform rules.

The decision to create a network of accounts can help minimize the risks of blocking and ensure smooth operation. It is important to strike a balance between the effective use of parsing tools and compliance with Telegram’s ethics and rules. Success in traffic arbitrage depends on a responsible approach to campaign planning and respect for the platform’s users.

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