Why not every paid ads specialist can become a webmaster

Why not every paid ads specialist can become a webmaster

The topic of the relationship between the professions of a targeting specialist and an arbitrageur in the field of Internet marketing is a hot topic and causes a lot of discussions among specialists. Both professions require in-depth knowledge of advertising and marketing, but the key skills, tasks and goals of these specializations differ significantly. Let’s take a look at why not every targeting specialist can become a successful arbitrageur.

The main differences between targeting and arbitrageurs

A targeting specialist develops and implements targeted advertising strategies on social media and other platforms to attract potential customers to a product or service. The main task of a targeting specialist is to set up advertising campaigns in such a way that they hit the target audience as accurately as possible, increasing the likelihood of a sale.

An arbitrageur, on the other hand, works with buying and selling traffic between different platforms. The main goal of an arbitrageur is to buy traffic at the lowest possible price and sell it at a profit to the advertiser. This requires not only the ability to analyze the market, but also the ability to make quick decisions, as well as a deep understanding of the mechanisms of various advertising networks.

Why not every targeting specialist can become an arbitrageur

  1. Specifics of working with traffic. Arbitrage requires a specialist’s ability to quickly navigate changes in the market value of traffic and effectively manage the advertising budget on different platforms. Target marketers who are used to more stable and predictable work within specific social networks may face difficulties in arbitrage.
  2. Analytical skills. While both marketers and arbitrageurs should have an analytical mindset, the level and depth of analysis in these fields are different. Arbitrage requires a deeper dive into data analysis, as success depends on the ability to predict changes in the market and the effectiveness of different advertising channels.
  3. Risk tolerance. Arbitrage activity is associated with a high level of risk, as the arbitrageur often invests his own funds in buying traffic without guarantees of its subsequent sale at a profit. Target marketers working in a more predictable environment and often with a fixed budget may not be prepared for this level of uncertainty.
  4. Technical skills. Arbitrage requires deep technical knowledge of how ad platforms, trackers, split testing, and optimizing ad campaigns across platforms work. While targeters also utilize many of these tools, the level of technical knowledge and skill required in arbitrage is much higher.


The transition from targeting to arbitrage is possible, but it requires a significant expansion of competencies, a willingness to take risks and a deep understanding of the mechanisms of the online advertising market. Not every targetologist is ready and able to go this way, which makes arbitrageurs unique specialists in their field.

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